It's pretty moot actually, since 8 hours is just the average mark, and we all have different hours. Darren said it had something to do with sleep cycles and I understood, somewhat. God I don't know where that guy gets his random bits of information.
I've pretty much been putting Nightwish on loop, but meh, not like I'm actually listening to what's going on. My ears are pretty much going to give at this point, what with the tinnitus getting severe as the days go by.
Speaking of music, looks like my headphones are finally giving way. All this time it hasn't ben working right, and I have to plug it in halfway in order to get some semblance of sound. Yesterday if kept alternating between emphasizing the bass and treble.
Kinda like my current situation isn't it? Compromise after compromise. You find a nice balance and just hope it stays that way. Too bad everything breaks after awhile.
Then what the fuck do you to?
Get a new pair of course!
EDIT: Eh, was told to put this link up but I'm not sure of there's any use now, since I heard the OVA didn't let VJC do as it wanted.
You didn't have to go through the trouble afterall, VJC.
EDIT #2:
This is what the international community sees, Singapore.


Time to step up the goddamned pace. Let the games begin.
And say goodbye to the last parade
And walk away from the choice you made
And say goodnight to the hearts you break
And all the cyanide you drank
To the last parade
When the parties fade
And the choice you made
To the end.
I didn't quite appreciate the soccer watching, I mean, it's a boring sport where the ball gets reset into the centre, over and over. Some of them enjoyed it, and I think that's fine.
They started drinking at about 1-ish, didn't join them because my head was already threatening to split without alcohol, so I went to bed early.
Jesus, couldn't sleep, not because of the noise, but I just couldn't. Either way, I had the shock of my life when like 6 people barged into the room, switched on the lights and started smelling of alcohol. What's bad was that I nearly drifted off to sleep before they came in.
Good god. I flared up and told them "How about getting the hell out of the room?"
Rofl. Headaches and sudden awakenings are not fun. I was pretty much in limbo for the next hour or so, and Sly kept knocking on the door, which I heard but somehow couldn't get up to open the door. Then he started turning the doorknob which I thought was the sound of raindrops. Seriously, it sounded damned similar so I just ignored it. Poor guy had to sit out there for like half an hour.
I missed the highlight of the party, and missed the after-party breakfast customary of most gatherings at my place. But all's good so long as they had fun. Back to reading my Time magazine.
There's not much left in this place, so I've decided to take everything away. No more. I will leave behind nothing. A void.
No hatred.
No anger.
No joy.
No hope.
No memories.
We will close this chapter. We will not speak of it again.
It's a chapter that was never written.
Heaven queen, cover me
In all that blue
Little boy, such precious joy
Is dead to the world
Heaven queen, carry me
Away from all pain
All the same take me away
We're dead to the world
Either way, this wasn't it. Explanations be damned. I'm feeling like crap and that's that.
Wait. My head hurts? No shit, Sherlock. No that isn't right. Didn't something gut my sides? Well doesn't hurt to check. Hang on, that's if I actually can feel my hands. Speaking of which, how are they supposed to work again?
So I'm lying somewhere, not sure where, but there. Seems like hours have passed. Could be days. Actually, scratch that. I don't think I have any perception of time.
Hang on, I'm lying down? Maybe, just maybe, this is what they call heaven. For all that atheism in life, this is how it ends. Fair enough, you can't be right all the time. Now where'd that big guy who's going to Olympian toss me into the lake of fire go?
Great. Maybe I'm not even granted that. If this is the end, pardon me, but it really, really SUCKS. I feel like the beached whale from Hitchhiker's.
What? If this wasn't what it was, I'd think I heard someone!
"Ian? IAN."
Well it's worth a shot.
"Yeah, here. The hell's going on? Who're you? Where am I?"
"Look this isn't some soap opera cliche. Just hang on a little, we'll be ready for you in a bit."
I open my eyes.
It didn't occur to me they were shut before. The light burned into my eyes, at least until my iris adjusted itself. Doesn't seem to be working too well though, everything's still white-ish - barely visible. Ah wait, the whole damn place is white. Seats, walls, everything. Like a hospital waiting room.
Eh? Is that an electronic queue number display? Wow. Wonders of modern technology.
"If you'd help yourself off the floor and back onto your seat, I think you'd be a lot more comfortable."
"Right. Thanks. Who are you again?" Sarcastic bastard.
"I maybe sarcastic, but at least I'm no liar. I haven't even introduced myself. Anyway, you can call me Peter."
Wow he reads minds? Privacy much?
"Oh privacy would be the least of my concerns if I were you. Oh, 164. I believe that's your number. Get moving."
A clacking sound resonates from the doors ahead of me. I get up, and realize I'm no longer in my favourite shirt, instead, it's a crappy white robe. I feel naked, never liked those robes, especially the ones they make you wear before an op. Least I look better in it than that Peter guy. Goddamn stocky, balding, unhappy bastard.
"I heard that. Now move before I make you."
I don't think being made to was a good idea, so I leave for the double doors.
Wait. What?
Peter? Waiting room? Holy shit.
Something hard shoves me, and the next thing I know, well, I don't think I do.
VJC's submitted a proposal for a 6 year IP programme, that means one will spend his secondary school, as well as JC years in VJC. Quite the dastardly thing to do, isn't it?
Except we're forgetting a few things fellas. Calm down and think it through before you get worked up.
1) VJC is result oriented. We know that bit. They have every right to do what they're doing. That's why we always say VJC students aren't Victorians. They've been sold short. Any VS boy in VJ would tell you that.
2) You wanna run a good school? Run it like a business. No screwing around. If the management feels IP is the way to go for VJ, then IP it shall be.
3) VJC is currently run by a Rafflesian. You mean you expected him to care? Lol. In his words "We must respect Victoria School's decision not to go co-ed." Therefore we completely circumvent them and go 6 years! Respect indeed. Thanks for all the sensitivity and consideration!
4) VJC has the right to instill the values it wants. Don't go judging their actions. The offshoot shooting the parent plant makes plenty of sense to them, and it seems like it's something they want to inculcate in their students - success at any cost.
5) It's no secret that VS has always been bending over for VJ. Why change anything now right?! It's also no secret they've been trying to compete with HCI and RJC (RJC btw, assimilated both their feeder schools instead of going with a 6 year programme) for eons to no avail. This will be their trump card. HOO-AH!
Now that you've read the above, I hope you have a greater understanding of the situation.
Yes, VJC was born in 1984, fresh out of the mind of a VS boy, the late Dr. Ong Chit Chung, for Victorians wishing to pursue a tertiary education. VJC in 2009 however has changed. It's no longer for VS boys wanting a tertiary education. No big. Dog eat dog world right? What with Dunman and NJC entering the fray, they've gotta compete.
It's like them martial arts soap operas all over again. Cannibalize your parents and obtain greater powers, then you will win. Ah hell, yeah they do get foiled in the end, but it's real life, and in real life, this shit pays off. VJC is preparing its students for the real world - claw your way to the top, fighting tooth and nail, by any means necessary. Morals? Lol who cares?
VS does. Do what you want, just return us our crest, flag, song and name.
Viva la Victoria(School)
Yes, I'm sorry but the Russian anthem sounds a lot better than ours. Sure, maybe it's because we sing ours everyday, but I just can't help but to feel the Russian one's epic. Lyrics maybe not so, it's the usual patriotic stuff, but it sounds hella good.
Anyway, mental note to self: Do not study with Gresilda if it's just her. You'll get nothing done, and somehow attract batshit weirdo people. This goddamned guy with a pervy face started talking to us and offered Gresilda a suspicious looking greenish-black pill which, according to Gresilda, looked 'like smarties'. Smarties or not, he popped it into his mouth, and I have a sneaking suspicion it was that crap that made him synchronize in frequencies unheard of.
Was more productive today, but not by much. Studying isn't so bad though, not anymore. I guess it's the company you keep. Familiar people let you retreat into your comfort zone, and do things you've done before, that you're used to. I like that. Fuck CJ's night study programme.
It's like today's Saturday, since you know, there's another day of holiday tomorrow. I'm thankful, but I'm going to hate Monday night anyways.
Side note: Audience of One by Rise Against is mainstream. But it's good.
I brought the sky down for you but all you did was shrug
Nothing's wrong, because Lady Luck's gonna give you that reason to be pissed, just later in the day.
But what could go wrong, right? No chemistry or math tutorials. Just a math lecture (odd, I don't fall asleep in these) and chem lecture. Oh shi-, there's an econs test! But wait! Your lazy teacher flashes the answer after you're done and it's only half an essay. Why bother!
Fine, so I haven't written my SGC and it's due today. No big, I'll just use my break and.. fuck. All the goddamned computers are occupied. Guess I'm not the only one with that brilliant idea eh? HEY WAIT THERE'S AN EMPTY ONE RIGHT THERE.
"Oh that one isn't working, I logged in and it hung."
Figures right? Ian you dumbass.
So I went into the library, sat down and took out my notes... HOLY SHIT MY IPHONE CAN BROWSE THE INTERNET. Forgot to charge it last night, but hell it should last. I'm a goddamn genius.
After a few frustrating login attempts, (bloody touchpad) I got in and waited for about an eternity for the page to load because the reception in school is plain retarded. I mean, who needs phones when you've got angels to deliver messages eh? Since every one sleeps during lessons, I figure that's why nothing was done about the reception - the angels work better with all that dream visiting.
Took about 25 minutes to get my SGC done with the touchpad and horrid lag, did a final check on the damn thing and poof. Yes that's right, I got logged out, the screen blued out. Next thing I know I see the login page.
"You are logged in as QJ"
[Log In]
Han Shen went crazy and started giggling, I just kept a stony face and prayed it didn't go wrong. Apparently it was terribly funny and he was reduced to a giggling mass of hysteria, shaking like a goddamn gerbil.
Hit log in and it went on an infinite loop that kept going back to that same page.
It's fucking 2009, CJ, can you make your website a little more phone browser friendly? For fuck's sakes.
I gave up, took the fucked up test (and happened to study the wrong thing) and was on my merry way to Parkway to meet mc for my $50. Now that's nice. Finally, money in my wallet!
I grabbed a seat next to an old guy. Funny, it was crowded but the seat wasn't taken.
Like the deal with the computer - something's obviously wrong! No, not with the seat. You see, this acrid, rancid smell raped my nostrils after I sat down. The old fucker smelled of shit and every time he shifted his legs baby kittens die. He must have shat in his fucking pants. Old people should be kept in a box at home. That way if they crap in their pants no one would have to put up with it.
Turns out he just wanted to get into some girl's panties and I left after a bit. Hoes 1 Bros 0. Still, I got my 50, what could go wrong?
I busted my ear phones that's what. A 170 down the bloody drain. +50 - 170 = -120. I'm still broke. Pissed off and tired, I made my way to the busstop. Saw 196 and ran like fuck, almost fucking my ankle up but I made it anyway.
Dropped off after a bit, and 30 seconds later an empty 196 toddles along behind the one I alighted. Fuck it.
I quote Daniel "At least he didn't take it (the shit) out with play with."
34. Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but [they are commanded] to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
So like a good Christian, Sean tells me
"WTF I sees a fan oscillating but the blades aren't moving, just like women, working very hard at zero efficiency!"
God would be proud of him.
Does that make God sexist? Maybe.
Did I quote the Bible out of context? Maybe.
Do I care? Probably not.
Is it funny? HELL YEAH.
Guys, the next time your women doesn't listen to you, tell them they're going to hell.
Is it a coincidence that the Alabama man comes from the country where it's a Christian majority?
Once again, maybe.
They're like drugs. The anticipation's enough to kill you. You'd give anything to hold it in your hands, to taste it. Go on your knees, beg.
But again, like drugs, it's escapism at its apex. The ecstasy will end, it has to - as certain as death and taxes. You know it. You don't care.
It's over far too soon. You clamour for more, but it's never enough. Sometimes you cheat. Try to beat the system. Throw the rules out of the window. Chances are, you'll go that way too.
In this game, there is no winning.