Y Friday, February 22, 2008
1:46 am
I love the WoW community. Really. I've been around the internet for a bit, longer than most around our age, and know a little bit here and there.

This I can say with utmost certainty. The WoW community? It's without a doubt, one of the most hostile, hateful, spiteful and unhappy communities ever.

Everyday, people whine about this being overpowered, or this being underpowered, or Blizzard lying to them, or feeding them with nothing but empty talk, Blizz being retarded, Blizz this, Blizz that, nerf this, buff that.

Threads in forums move so fast what you see in the first page is banished to second after 5 minutes.

The majority of the posts?

Person A complains about something.

Person B basically tells him to stop whining and run himself into open traffic.

Person C tells Person A he's stupid, retarded and needs help.

D says everyone here was dropped on the head at birth, and that A needs to stop crying. Everything's fine, Learn2Play.

OCCASIONALLY, and I mean VERY OCCASIONALLY, you'll read a semi-helpful thread with people humane enough to actually help and reply with information, of course it's never purely information. You have to throw in personal insults, sarcasm and satire into the mix.

The humour's in a class of it's own, really. For starter's it's chockful of internet memes, but basically humans have just degenerated to the point where insulting each other is actually funny. They poke fun at just about anything, politicians, important events, and religion. Especially religion.

Sample thread.


If you can't be arsed to read, it's alright. Here's the condensed version.

Someone asks, if Jesus played WoW, would he play a Paladin?

Everyone replies with extremely condescending replies, basically using Jesus's name in vain.

No one really cares. Everyone just makes joke after joke, and TBH, it's all in bad taste, but it's just so funny.

Someone finally runs along and says "You know, this could be offensive."

What'd he get? Yeah you guessed it.

Someone quoted his post and went "lol." telling him he's an idiot and that what they were doing is okay, before proceeding to make more lulz.

We're talking about a community that goes "Fuck off, don't play WoW. Get off my server, it's laggy enough."

In a way, it's like a big group of grumpy old man. They hate you and there's nothing you can do about it except back away real slow, and disappear from their sights forever.

When people actually say something nice, it's like someone just slapped everyone in the face. Everyone's dazed, confused and in disbelief. Then a random person would just continue the hate, tell the nice person to basically screw of, that he's stupid and things like that and the whole thing continues.

It's fun.

You've got to be part of the community to love it, really. And TBH, it's shaped the way I write this blog. Maybe that's why some people feel a few posts are fun to read. The humour's pretty much the same.

Big shoutout to the WoW community. <3 y'all.

Oh, and GTFO my server.

Y Tuesday, February 19, 2008
11:08 pm

I R sorry guys.

Really, that previous post was one of the horrible-st ones I've ever written. Yeah, it was also the most pissed off I've been in sometime.

Truly I'm ashamed of myself. For those who're miffed or otherwise one to slit my throat, please, don't do it. Won't happen again.

Ian swears to stop over-generalizing in future, unless for humorous effect. I mean, come on, it's funny, admit it. But only when used appropriately. Abused in poor taste, you get the previous post.

I'm not deleting or editing it, I'll let it serve as a bad stain in my head, so I won't repeat it. Honestly, I feel like a dumb prick for getting so spazzed out. HAVING said that...

I still feel sorry for my buddy, and the girl's gone too far. And Vday is still a commercialized day.

I R sorry. Rly. (Props to Samantha for knocking me awake >.>)

SO yeah. CJC lol.





Okay, really, not unexpected. Had it coming. Just can't help but to feel a lil crappy, but when I received the message I really couldn't be arsed. Was too damned sleepy. Hell, I've only slept 2 hours in the past 27 hours. Go me. Sleepover at Chester's place while they play mahjong FTL.

I'm not gonna be swindled into that again, srsly.

Then again, it ain't all bad. Because I didn't sleep, I managed to get home earlier to appeal to SA earlier.

Got my panties in a bunch when I lost my CCA record slip thingamajig, realized I could print a new one in VS, then made my way to SA.

Great, it's not as long a ride as TP, the school is simply huge, and Tim says the people are nice! Mmm. Great push factors, except 2 minutes into walking through the school gates, I saw a bunch of PAE SA girls screaming "KNN CCB LJ" or something. Oh well.

Filled in the appeal form and wrote my usual 'politically correct free response anwers on why I want to join SAJC'.

Mad props to Hong Lao Shi for letting the SACO conductor know of my appeal, and I owe Gresilda a meal for letting the teacher know that I was going to discuss my appeal with her.

To say the least, she was a pleasant young lady, albeit flustered when I spoke to her, but from what I can tell, she's nice. Y'know, some prickuva teachers just answer your call and try to swat you away asap with indifference and passiveness. None of that from Ms Wong.

Pretty much it, went to Jack's Place for lunch (my treat wtf. And if I get in, I owe Shawn a meal as well.) then decided on some DVDs to borrow.

Surprisingly, I really enjoyed RE2: Apocalypse. Prolly try to catch the third one sometime.

Skinwalkers on the other hand, is terribly average, meaning don't waste your time and/or money (You bastards watch it free, I know.) on it.

CJ's orientation's tomorrow, I'm not expecting much, but keeping an open mind at least. A vast improvement from TP if I do say so myself. In need of some serious shut eye. Ciao.

Y Sunday, February 17, 2008
12:21 am
Fuck it.

I mean seriously, fuck it.

I gave up a visit to an old friend's place because of certain commitments. That's fine, I mean many of you may feel commitment to a game is stupid, but fact is, you've promised your time to 24 or more other people, and a lot of others are counting on the attendance of all to keep their faith in the guild.

Next, I was forced to do something I didn't prefer to do. Okay. It's fine and dandy, I mean it. If it's for the greater good, why not. My dad once told me, even if he was a cleaner, he'd make sure he'll be the best cleaner there is, and do his job well. And I did. Outperformed other experienced healers even with my subpar gear.

Then I get royally fucked over because I don't prefer to do what others want me to do. I'm treated as if I'm not important, can be just glanced over, tossed around at whatever corner or empty space there is. A second rate piece of crap, in other words.

I put my fucking time in this guild, get the members, keep the members together, mediate conflicts, relay information, and even basically "be there" so people know the guild is alive. I don't wear the officer tag for fucking nothing. One bitchy officer can just fuck things up royally.

It's really difficult when you see other people criticizing your friends whom you KNOW play well and made some honest mistakes, yet they keep harping on it like it's the fucking crime of the century. If you guys are reading this, yeah, I really try to stand up for you over on officer chat. But sometimes even I can't take it and feel like hitting someone. Sorry Bfoo.

Granted, she's toned down a lot more now, but really, I can't stand for this much longer. It's my 25 fucking bucks a month. I play it the way I want to. Anymore of this and you can kiss your sorry guild good bye. I'll be taking all of my friends with me and reform into something where all of us call the shots.

Soured my whole mood for the day. Great.

Next I'm being told the yuan xiao or whatever the fuck that is dinner was being shifted to today. Fucking useless chinese new year crap. Why was I the last to know? It's not possible that I'm not seen around the house.

So I cancel the dinner appointment which was planned since what, a week ago? It was a fancy dinner, Blim's treat, and yeah, the whole gang was going. I tell them at the eleventh minute some donkey balls chinese new year shit snagged me and I can't go.

Again, our relatives were friggin late. Guess what? I'm not waiting. We started dinner and by the time the rest of the relatives arrived, I was well back on my way upstairs and into my room. Can't care for dining with them, really. Maybe make an effort to be earlier next time, instead of being late for the past god knows how many years. Yes, more than 10 years.

Plan in advance. Stick to schedule. It's not hard. I've planned and organized shit for more than 10 people, on top of school and other commitments. It's that hard to coordinate a family? Puh-leeze.

Next my new buddy's girl wants to break up with him, all because he fucking overslept on VfuckingDay and was late for the appointment. Jesus christ.

Goddamnnit. I swear girls are the vilest creatures on earth. So you're willing to rip his heart out because he was late on that day? If it's a anniversary or something I can understand, but for fuck's sake, EVERYONE knows Vday is a overrated, over-hyped, over-commercialized day where businessmen just want to take your fucking money.

Get your head out of your asses, for those of you who think it's a really special day. Really. You must really be plugged full of shit and your brain swapped for bull testicles or a baked potato. If you have to wait for that day to do something special for your loved one(s), then you fail. Just, fail.

So y'all keep whining about how guys are jerks, bastards and ungentlemanly? Hey, take a good look at yourselves first, mmkay? Want to be treated nicely? Want to be cared for? Earn it. You don't deserve it just because you're born female. I know too many like that, and it pisses me off.

He's a goddamn human too. Give him a break. Sometimes you think you just need to close your eyes for 15 minutes, but bam, it totals up to 2 hours.

"Set an alarm, asswipe! You deserve it! It's a very important day!"

So the time you spent together was just worth this? Youshouldhavesetanalarm? Just go run into open traffic and die. Seriously.

The level of the lack of reason, compassion and foresight is amazing.

I've always said I'll wait for someone to prove me wrong? Like I said, time to change stances. They're all the same. GTFO and away from me. Y'all scare the fuck out of me. DIAF, kthx.

PS. Oh, don't bother to tell me I'm wrong. If I wanted your opinion, I'd have asked for it! Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one. If you want to risk bleeding your ears, then go ahead.

Oh lordy. Never been so clear until now.

Y Friday, February 15, 2008
1:48 am
So, Ian, how was Valentine's Day?

Lolwut? It's today? Oh.

SO for the first time in 10 years, Valentine's Day actually meant something, no, I'm sorry, what I wanted to say was, something different actually happened on the 14th of February.

See, nothing really happens in primary school, so we'll skip that.

I was from VS. If you gave chocolates on the 14th or baked cookies for guys to eat, have fun getting the rest of the school, yes, school, to believe that you're really straight and would do Jessica Alba anytime.

Just don't work this way. Vday back then was basically a normal day.

"Hoy join us for lunch today."
"I can't >.<. It's Vday. I got a date with mah girl."
"Wut? Vday? Today? O."

Yeah. You didn't know it was anything else other than an ordinary school day until someone told you he wasn't available.

'Course, that meant I didn't prepare anything for today.

Yet from the time I stepped into school right up till 5 minutes into the first class, I've already got bags of sweets, candy and tons of chocolate. Good lord. It's either a sugar rush or a sore throat, if I ate even half of that. Figured Jan and Jae would love it though.

Thought it through a little and I felt somewhat guilty for not having anything to give in return. I mean honestly, it doesn't sit right with you if all you do is take, take and take some more while giving that sheepish smile and muttering things like

"Oh wow, thanks so much."
"You don't have to, really!"
"I'm so sorry I don't have anything to exchange."

Oh, first time someone's gave me a flower too, albeit a small and artificial one, but it's nice gesture nonetheless. Though I was in class and wondering what kind of an emergency call that was. Ends up Sara wanted to pass me the rose (Which I heard as notes, and said she could pass it to me tomorrow. She was all "then it'd lose it's meaning!" and I went "lolwut?" Notes losing meaning? Oh right. Cripes. ROSE.)

Ah yes, and the cookies she baked were good. Pity I could only take one :X.

The bus ride home was a real quick one, somehow. Really different. I had just finished 'Tuesdays with Morrie' and there was this really weird feeling in me. It was warm and fuzzy, but at the same time sad. Yet it was always there, as if reminding me of the things I need to do.

What the hell, something's touched this cynical bastard. I'll tell y'all some other time. Even if only for awhile,(hopefully not) I daresay it's changed the way I view things.

Chatted with my mum about her life in the 80s and 90s, then showered and met the bachelors (Mel, Daryl, YH, Darren, ZP) for dinner. I'm sorry, but not everyone can get a date or sweetie to go out with. Felt just like old times, an ordinary day, ordinary mood, ordinary food, but extraordinary company.

The rest is pretty much history, nothing much happened later. Finished up the meal, had some dessert and saw Wong Wai Lit and Felicia Yeo having dinner with a bunch of friends, (whom we did not recognize, and probably not VS teachers, if teachers at all) said hi and went our own way.

Gosh, so many more things I want to say, but I'm really tired. Maybe tomorrow. Been a long day. Hope everyone has had a nice Valentine's Day.

PS. For those who are unhappy or depressed about being alone on Vday, really, you aren't missing out on much. Save yourself the hassle and heartache. Swing it like you're single. Yes, because you're that damned important and as I always say, being responsible for another person is tough enough. Responsible for their happiness too? That's stretching it I think.

Y Wednesday, February 13, 2008
12:20 am
It's been slightly more than a week now, since the last update, that is.

Put it this way, I didn't and don't see the need to update with posts detailing my CNY experience.

Most of my grandparents are in peace now, only surviving one's alive and kicking in Malaysia, so there goes visiting of grandparents.

where family friends are concerned, there are hardly any. Mention cousins and well, only one or two of my aunts/uncles have a family. Visiting is not something that we do a lot every year.

In fact, I now seem to dread it somewhat. Just a formality I have to complete because of me heritage and stuff. Gotta make small talk with the same relatives all the time, they say the same thing every year, I give them the same reply every year.

They're probably tired of it, but like I said, a formality. It's rare that you get an aunt or uncle that breaks this amazingly mundane cycle and decides to do something different, and god forbid, fun.

"Got girlfriend not?
"Ai yoo so long never see you so tall already!"
"Eh you are in sec what now? Huh JC already? Wah so long never see you hard to keep track leh!"


*Smiles and nods or shakes head politely*


So TPJC finally decided that I've skipped too much school and wants to nip me in the ass for it.

Of course, getting a hundred odd like-minded students and having the Vice Principal to give a mass dressing down is THE way to go about it right? I mean, it'll really work out. Think about it's effectiveness. I'm sure they'll all agree in unison that they've been really naughty students.


Well I've basically learned that I'm a scoundrel with no personal responsibility, no respect for the system and severely lacking in even a drop of integrity. I'm hurt, ma. Truly I am. But hey, ma and pa always told me not to mind what other people say. If it ain't true, it ain't my reality. Thanks ma, thanks pa! GTFO VP!

Satire aside, yeah. He got the people who didn't think they'd stay to raise their hands, of course, I did so without hesitation. Monkey see, monkey do. All you need is for one person to raise his hands then suddenly everyone becomes as enthusiastic, responsive, or gutsy, depending on how you view this matter.

He proceeded to say those who are confident of leaving this school because they've done well can leave the hall. Now, I slept at 2 am before this, and woke at 5.45. It's a given that I'm shit tired and need sleep. I sure as hell didn't give a flying fuck about what he said lol. All I heard was

".. can leave the hall now."

And I woke up, snap, just like that. Picked up my bag and started to leave for the hall when suddenly...


Nit pick much? I suppose he was surprised and didn't really mentally prepare himself for half the students there walking out on him and his oh-so-fab speech. Couldn't even hear anyone say anything, let alone giggle like a git.

Aand fill the rest with dull lessons and a self declared half day. I'm that damned good. =D.

Lunch with Dan, shit that prick has expensive taste. Says he doesn't eat at food courts. If I'm to dine with him in future, I'm forcing him into one.

Met up with Jollyn (who passed me her cold.) and MC. Went 'gallivanting' as Dan's mum puts it, around PP and then slacked at his house. He flipped on the AC, I flipped on his bed and knocked myself out till 7.

Dinner as Aston's, something cheaper this time. Grilled fish is good for you. Surprisingly, it's really quite economical to dine there. Good balance of quality and wallet-kindness.

In the midst of the Chem lecture, I remembered why I loved English so much again. Maybe I'll write a little story, or serial, on our toons in WoW. Sounds like a lot of fun.

Well, cold's getting the better of me, we'll see how I feel tomorrow and if I can drag my sorry rear behind to school.

Y Monday, February 04, 2008
12:02 am
Ooh. Mah achin' legs.

Yeah shopping again. Sheesh.

Since I've already done mine, I pretty much just tagged along with MC, Darren, Foo and Joy. Chester was there too, but he left shortly after.

For the most part, I was bored, feel-like-just-listening-to-music-and-ignoring-everything-else bored. They were doing their window shopping, which I have yet to learn to appreciate, and MC was on the phone with you-know-who.

Being the grumpy, impatient chap I was, I wondered aloud "Well I don't see MC calling her during her shopping."

Since I haven't had lunch yet, I popped by Mac's to grab a burger, but yeah, within 10 seconds it was half gone, and I only took one bite. Rofl. I hate y'all.

I'm going to sum up the next two or three hours in the following sentences. walk walk walk walk. Enter shop. Look around. Walk out. Walk walk walk walk. K.


Yeah so we finally had dinner after, and I paid 14 dollars for some Pepper's lunch thing. It's pretty expensive, but doesn't taste half bad I suppose. I still feel the cheapest $8.50 pepper beef rice thingamajig tasted the best.

Walk walk walk some more.

Walk to the bus stop and take a bus home.

Got bitched at by mum, because well, tomorrow's (today?) my dad's birthday, and I was supposed to have lunch with him earlier today, but yeah, I opted to go for CNY shopping with my friends, despite having bought everything already. Go me!

So she played the fucking guilt card and guilt trap me into a cul de sac. Grrreat! Then I let her know that I really didn't want to go to school for the next two days, because I missed a movie session with the guys due to the (early) reunion dinner and wanted to have it on Monday and Tuesday instead.

Wunnerful. No go at first, but she later just cut me of and said "okaydowhatyouwantidon'tknow."

Some sort of a reply eh? Now she's driven me into a cul de sac of spikes and whatnot.

Then my CO senior and classmates tell me they'd really prefer it if I came to school tomorrow. What the hell. Tension of the opposites. I really need to read that book sometime, Tuesdays with Morrie.

I don't suppose I'll ever forget that line. Morrie answered the writer's question about who wins, in the Tension of Opposites. He said this.

"So who wins?"

"Love wins. Love always does."

I wish it were true. Maybe it hasn't happened yet. Maybe it's just too naive.

Nothing much has gone right this year. Screwy results, screwy school, screwy reunion dinner(Relatives were 1 hour 40 mins late wtf?), screwy events like these, pretty much crappy everything. Next thing you know MOE fucks around and throws me into TPJC again. I'm unhappy. Give me back my secondary school days please.

It's getting old to the point of annoying. But no, I'm not going to let it happen again. Not this time. I've learned my fucking lesson. Not planning to get mindfucked.