Wrong book? No, not really.
If it was any good I'd have read on. I'm okay with the whole romance thing, but the characters are so hollow, cliched and have no flaws it isn't even funny.
Know why the newest novel, Midnight $un is cancelled?
It's a ploy by Meyers and her publishers to get people begging for it, so she can release Midnight $un as a whole new series to the Twil-fail universe! People being the idiots they are, will lap it all up no matter how much crappier it has become and call it a good book.
After Midnight $un, it'll probably be Dusky Light or White Night or some other weird arse title that gives vague references to times of the day. There's only one time of the day in the Twilight universe though, it is that of fail o'clock.
Don't read that stuff. You have been forewarned.
You see I've forgotten
If they're green or they're blue
Anyway the thing is well I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen
The overcast sky seemed to have voided the world of colour. Everything seemed to have been splashed with a monotone grey. I pulled my worn grey hoodie over my head and looked downwards in hopes of shielding my eyes from getting stung by the rain.
A simple shielding spell would have worked. But it's funny how much you can tell so much about a person the way he walks. The heavy sauntering of a drunk hobo, the relaxed grace of an amateur model to the large confident strides of a tall, athletic student.
Wait. Something was wrong.
I mentally reviewed the auras of the three people I saw, and froze as I perused the student's. There was a purple swirling vortex above his head, but that was not the anomaly.
Vortexes were commonplace - a result of human anguish, selfishness and above all, foolishness. It can form simply by hurling a curse at a person, be it wishing for said person to slip on a banana peel and fall face first into a pile of dog feces or the most violent death imaginable.
Either way, in most cases, humans were too weak to be able to cast a curse of sufficient power. The worst that usually happened was perhaps a sneeze or an unexpected shift to a gloomy mood in the person.
Yet the vortex above the student was... unnatural.
I still recall the countless of times the trainer at the academy told me gut feeling was the number one thing that got Watch agents killed.
I'd have believed him, if it wasn't for the fact that he was killed one day on patrol, for reasons and means unknown, made or not.
It's kept me alive so far, so I'm not one to complain. The student in blue easily navigated through the thick mass of middle class workers knocking off and heading towards their respective trains. Of all places to be in, why did he choose a train interchange?
It wasn't nearly as easy for me though. I got jostled around the mad rush of people as a butterfly would get violently manhandled by gale winds. Frustration levels mounting, I cursed quietly under my breath and cast a quick concealing spell.
Just like magic, the people suddenly stopped acknowledging the existence of the area I occupied. Actually, it was magic.
His aura flickered weakly. No good, I was losing him. Seems like there was only one way to go about this. Max wouldn't approve, but that's a problem for the future that hasn't arrived. Better a regret prevented than a mistake borne of paranoia.
I took a deep breath and stepped through the shadows into the Twilight. I've always loved that feeling. It was like dipping yourself in freezing water - you are instantly awakened. As with most things, the Twilight has a double edged sword. People who freeze to death always feel sleepy near their end for a reason.
The world instantly desaturated into grey and sepia tones, and everything around me slowed to a crawl. I broke into a light jog and pushed past the cattle in my way. I glanced in amusement as a cup of coffee was freed of his master's grip and tumbled towards the ground, the addictive brownish liquid fanning out with the help of gravity, all many times slower than it should have been.
Nearly there... I should be able to see him soon.
"Stop! Day Watch! Leave the Twilight!"
A strong, authoritative male voice emanated from behind me. Day watch? Shouldn't they be off by now? I gritted my teeth and dropped out of the Twilight, turning around to face the irritants behind me.
"Identify yourself."
Standard Day Watch patrol. Two magicians, maybe sixth level and a vampire. I didn't have time for them.
"Alexander Himmel. Night Watch agent. If there's nothing important, I'll be leaving, say, right now." I replied lazily.
The vampire smirked and replied cooly "Leave? I'll have you know that's a violation.."
"Of the treaty right? Maybe if you can tell me of any transgressions I've committed, I'd stop. But for now, get the hell out of my way."
Violating the treaty was a straight, one way ticket to hell, but I called their bluff and walked off, diving into the Twilight and breaking into a sprint.
That annoyed them, but it turns out I was right afterall. One of the magicians attempted to conjure a fireball but was stopped short by the other. The idiots wouldn't risk doing anything.
The crowd had gotten significantly thicker and I strained to trace the aura of the student. Spying a flicker of the faint dominating presence of his, I turned to his general direction.
It was gone.
Communism? A product of Light in an attempt to 're-moralize' human beings to live together without killing each other. Stalin was not an expected byproduct.
Neither was the rise of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust.
But where humans were concerned, it was nothing more than a precious tete-a-tete between the two sides. No, they remain blissfully ignorant of this war that has spanned centuries. Before the Crusades, before Genghis Khan.
Nobody recalls how it all started.
We are the Others. Beneath the surface we call 'reality', exists another realm. A living, breathing parallel universe where the impossible happens, where there are no boundaries. The rules of reality are rewritten to one's whims.
The Twilight.
But it comes at a price. The Twilight shapes itself to the user's will and feeds off the user's strength. The Twilight is greedy, and will not stop until there is naught to consume. Many a careless Other have become one with the Twilight, forever lost.
We may serve different masters, different ideologies but no matter how we choose to delude ourselves, there is one undeniable truth that has taken root in the hearts of every one of us.
Light and Dark must co-exist.
Thus the Watches were born.
Night Watch, where Light watches Dark when the sun ceases.
Day Watch, where Dark watches Light when the night is scattered.
The Taoist symbol of Yin and Yang: Balance. Without this equilibrium we are lost.
I am an Other. This, is my story.
Tall, lean and an affirmative heads up look. He had money and exuded an aura not of confidence, but arrogance. His excellent physique belied a brilliant mind. As Bryan himself put it, an alpha male. As his teachers put it, a promising prospect. As his parents expected it, creme de la creme.
He did not disappoint.
So what was happening now?
Bryan wished he knew.
It started with a melodious, almost intoxicating voice. From a sweet, gentle tune to one that resonated of primal lust, beckoning Bryan to seek its source. He did not know the way, but his legs moved by sheer force of will that was not his own.
The surrounding temperature dropped dramatically, or maybe it was his senses going haywire? It had to be a dream, a nightmare. A hallucination, anything. Every fibre of his being screamed to turn tail and run, but the allure of the call overwhelmed the years of mental discipline he had built up. Bryan felt the final vestiges of his will torn away slowly, almost with pleasure.
He lifted his hands to his collar and bared his neck.
Decisions made sometimes cause regrets in the obscurest of places. Just where'd you come from?

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I was just wondering how he spoke to the beach staff.
"Yes sir how can we help?"
"Uh it's complicated..."
"My ah.. balls are stuck in the beach chair."
"I'm sorry?"
"That's what I said."
The hate is not directed at the school, people or anyone in particular.
Putting it on someone/something else just makes it better for laughs. AKA easier to live with. One thing I'd like to emphasize is that we do realize there's no one else to blame. As Dan said, you could say it's all our fault, we basically failed VERY hard and go stuck where we were.
Do we deserve it? Sure.
Does it mean we have to suck it up and feel happy about it? Sure, if we wanted to become one of them.
The problem here is, I think efforts were made, and naught was the result.
Wanna help us make it better? Sure, give it a shot. We have cookies. I wouldn't play the optimist if I were you.
When fail like you gets pissed off, I become happier marginally! (:
For the entirety of Saturday night they were facebooking, and it was uh, suffice to say, not my kind of thing. They were telling me about how it's useful, I should get it, I even get to stalk people and as an added bonus I get to store my photos. (Shouldn't that be the original purpose?)
"Oh but facebook has games! You can play it when you're bored, we do it all time."
Orly? Seemed like an okay thing to do, kill the random 15 minutes that you have every now and then. And so I did. Since it was just a dummy account to play dumb games, I didn't add any friends, and I have to admit, it's pretty funny when you view my profile and see
"Ian has no friends."
"We'd like to help you find your friends!"
So anyway I'll leave it as a dummy account, and use it for when I really need it, or have a genuine use for it. My regret? I'm getting spammed with at least 6 emails within the spam of 6 hours, all from Facebook. In fact as I type this I just received another.
So anyway, someone decided to pop by our blogs and tagbox and say hi. This is what s/he had to say.
anon: if you hate school, then you shud just leave. no pt whining which cant change a thing. just makes you sound like a baby doesnt it
Just in case it gets swallowed up and lost, I'll put my replies 'ere.
Ian: Cool, wonder which blog he was directing it to.
But either way, I'll bite. I'll tell you why, anon. For starters, I'd leave, if it wasn't for the fact that the world is in ****ING RECESSION. And an overseas education isn't in the best interests of the family. That means I have to stay in this rat race and remain in that ****hole, genius.
I'd also like you to examine my options for me. I'm not about to waste more years switching schools or education paths. This happens to be the easiest and most efficient way out. Happiness does NOT go hand in hand with what needs to be done, or the best path to take.
The next time you decide to drop an anon comment, don't do it here, because this is a tagbox shared by three VERY unhappy people. If you want to be friends though, anytime is fine <3.
If I know you anon, please tell me who you are. I have cookies.
Bullet For My Valentine - Tears Don't Fall
Music Videos at www.roxwel.com
This is why you don't cheat. This is why you don't piss women off.
A crappy pop band that tries to sell themselves as "alternative rock" and only has some measure of success because horny preteens think the lead singer is hot.
Wasn't me. Found it on the WoW forums, and I didn't even browse it. All I had to do was type "paramore sucks" on google.
Looks like I'm not the only one. That's for butchering My Hero, Paramore!
Cut a day of school and was worried to shit I'd get detention. So I held onto the rope which labeled "Please accept my lame excuse"
PE teacher was absent the next day and the relief teacher didn't ask.
Dreaded NAPFA (which I'd fail), prayed for it to rain.
Relief teacher wasn't conducting it, so we had PT instead.
Didn't do my Chem MCQ, which was one weekend late. Was hoping to get the same extension as a classmate.
Got another day's grace.
Forrest Gump once said "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." and I think pretty much everyone who hasn't been living under a rock would know it. So I opened my box and whilst it wasn't quite the chocolates I was hoping for, at least it wasn't something inedible placed inside on purpose.
I met Daniel for dinner today, and forced him to eat at Mac's because he refuses to dine in food courts, and I refuse to dine in restaurants.
It's funny how you can see how much of yourself in another person, him making the same choices and taking the same paths as you did. Not all, but some - enough to make you to draw enough parallels, eventually forming a portrait of regret.
He's tired, he says, stuck in a place he doesn't belong.
I'd say fatigue's had its time in the sun. If it's possible, I'm too tired to feel tired, as ironic as that sounds. Perhaps we ought to substitute zombified instead of 'sick and tired' that I've used all this while.
I mean it's been more than a year. I've gotten used to disliking the whole place, gotten used to that empty hollow feeling, and in general just taken to the idea that 'happy' and 'ecstatic' are out of the question so long as I remain in this place.
Joy and bliss have long wilted to respite and relief. When your dreams are those of reality, you learn to stop hoping.
Dead flowers don't come back to life. You plant new ones but never forget the ones that were before, because it's not going to be the same.
Doesn't it all seem a little too arrogant? You? Change the world? By telling others to change themselves? It's not just naive but completely egoistic and ignorant. Above all, like I mentioned earlier, arrogant.
The world will not change for you. The world does not function on prayer. The world does not care.
It starts to get really annoying when you hear pleas to give a damn every morning - especially when you've been taught that pretty much no one's even going to look at you, let alone care.
Then there was "Where Do Broken Hearts Go", and I recalled Darren asking me that question. At that time, the reply I gave after some thought was something like
"I think they don't go anywhere. They stay there broken, because while you can mend it, the seams of the cracks will always remain."
But I've found a new answer.
"Dey get flushed down teh toiletz."
Makes a lot more sense.
Hey, apparently dental isn't a good enough reason to cut school, well if you're willing to travel to and fro for just an hour of school, be my guest, but I'm not that much of a dumbass, oh beloved college.
I know you have your rules. But you don't have to worry, my parents know. That's the point isn't it, that I wasn't out doing drugs or setting the world on fire but having a nice, slow lunch with my mum after a dental appointment.
Sucks, I know. Too bad you wouldn't be able to get me there as much as you wanted, what with your retarded rules and completely inane policies.
Then there's good friday, and rain which cancelled the NAPFA test. But we all know - it can't all be smooth sailing. Shit has gotta start from somewhere.
Sure, people try to dick around with you, it happens all the time.
On a normal day, I'd have laughed it off, you know, it's funny, we all had a good time, my expense, sure, but hey it's alright.
Neh not this time. Doesn't pay. There's much more lulz to be had, I found out, being the asshole.
Wave good bye to the masquerade, it's time to live.

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Don't drop the soap, spidey.
I fucking win.
No point going into details and having this dug up. Ending would be that I'd become anhero, having to take it down and write a public letter of apology blabla. Nah. I win, and that's enough.
More importantly, I edited the picture we took during WotLK's launch. I like.
WTB time machine.