Yeah it was that ad crap from MacDelivery. I once tried to order mac's online, but gave up because the system kept fucking up, so they have my email, and I haven't bothered to stop the suscribtion. Shit how do you spell that? Suscribe. Suscripe. Wtf nvm. It was great timing, really, because ironically, I didn't need to order via macdelivery today (not that I did) because I actually got out of the house. Lmfao.
God, can't type straight, no idea why.
Actually, I think I know why! A certain someone just came back from NZ and because all his female friends were working, and his male friends studying for their exams, he comes to look for us WoW buddies. Rofl.
Yeah Shaun, fucker. It's either gonna be lung cancer, or AIDs. Keep sleeping around like that boy, you're our idol <3.
But in all seriousness, yeah I can't take secondhand smoke. I get a bit high and giddy and shit. Not too good either way.
So yeah, great guy and all. Been quite some time and he's still the fucker he's always been, rofl. Dined, had coffee, then went to play a few games of pool. (which he paid. did you think I would?) I realize I'm fucking terrible at that game.
At first, I did toy with the idea of saying, I just lost my touch. But I remembered I didn't have any. In my defense, I used to be able to slice and shoot straight balls. Lmao.
Talked about his exploits in poker, in WoW and how he hasn't had sex in 8 months and is going mad. 4 hours of porn just doesn't cut it anymore, apparently, and all that fapping made him mad sleepy.
Funny guy, really.
Oh yeah, I did post my promo results earlier, and yes, they're fucking terrible, but I scraped in the end.
Moderation for chemistry and I just barely made the cut. Fuck ya. So it ends up I only fail one subject. Hey, I'll take fucking solace in the fact that you know, 70/100 for economics, so I get to be a cocky bastard for an instant, because the level top was only 74 or something.
Hey, that makes me top ten! Look ma, your son finally made the cut into some charts.
I deserve to be on the honor roll for math too though. 15.5, moderated to a 20.5. A fucking 2 in the first digit. Dope.
So today I got fresh air, learned what a pocket pair, a blind, and all that stuff, as well as a whole load of second hand smoke. Better than pixels pixels and more pixels.
Second expansion now, and we're in a mad race to level 80. Cap at that level and do what? Yeah, the same thing over and over. It's a cycle, really. An expensive one for us, a lucrative one for Blizzard.
We still play though. Why? Honestly, I really doubt it's the addictiveness of the game. It's reasons like this.

The community. Yeap, those are the active, local people in the guild that I lead in name. I'd like to stress I have zero leadership capability, and that I'm currently a good for nothing slob living on welfare, (it technically is welfare. But I'm a student so it don't count.) playing WoW.
But yeah. Funny. Feels like I've known these guys for quite a while, though it's only been about a year, and we've gone out less than the fingers on my hands. Ten mind you, not more or less, thankfully. Yet I look at the photo and can't help but to laugh. The good kind, where you feel warm and fuzzy.
True, we don't have many experiences in the flesh, no faces smashed on cakes, no stupid shit done in public places. But hey, the countless hours spent online are priceless. Honestly. We laugh, cry, quarrel, kiss and make up. The full range of emotions. Outsiders might not quite understand, they scorn it, call us screwed up people with no life etc, but I'm sure once they experience it for themselves, a different tune would be sung.
I won't deny it, if the game goes down one day, more than half of these people would fade away without so much as an echo within a few months, but hey, we're humans and we try not to think about the obviously painful things. Psychological defense mechanisms. Pleasure-pain principle.
That's why it's so fucked up. I really hate what I'm doing currently, but I love the people who're doing it with me. Pleasure-pain principle completely screwed. Bah. It'll pay off at 80.
Lol, just when you thought a respite could happen, things get shot to shit and you start falling back on running. It's an escape, I know. But it works.
Am I too vulgar here? Or just in general?
Fuck Asiasoft.
Omfg. There are people already level 72, and you're fucking around having the event on the 14th. FFS there are death knights already at 60, started at 55. Fuck fuck fuck. Okay, at least people will move out of the starting areas and you know, there'll be less godforsaken lag, random disconnects that kill your fucking character and all that shit.
At least. Least.
Fuck Asiasoft!
Okay, rage aside, honestly, yes, fuck Asiasoft.
JB, is a very vibrant, colourful place that is truly reminiscient of Asia.
It looks like America back in the 50s. see wut i did thar?
Though to be perfectly honest, it's a good place to shop. Your dollar basically just went through a 2.5 times increase in value. For most items, it's dollar for dollar. If movies are 10 SGD here, it's 10 Ringit there, or in some cases, lesser.
After I grabbed some shirts and a jumper, my mum forced me into some, foot reflexology and shoulder massage crap. Oh, and some thingy which helps you file hard skin and stuff from your feet. My skin on my feet was smoother than my face. Rofl.
Anyway, about the reflexology, it hurt like a motherfuck. Jesus christ. You just can't sit there and keep a straight face, because when some parts are pressed, it goes through the gaps in your bones and hits the nerves. What the fuck.
Not once, not twice, *cue aunty* but many many times!
An experience for sure. Lmao, if any of you haven't tried it out, you have to. Because well, I did. Yeah, that's why. I mean, Ian tried something new. FFS! Honestly, it hurt like a mother.
I've observed a very fun bit about JB, though. It's really easy to tell a Singaporean from Malaysian in there.
For starters, what's "Lian" and overboard in here, is the norm there. I swear to god. It's either a uniform, or colours-so-bright-they-burn-your-fucking-eyes. Red, orange, yellow, cyan, oh god. I'll give it to them though, they add one or two pieces to their clothing and they look completely different. Knee-length socks, scarves, (Fuck it's already fucking hot. But hey, a shoppin centre, I'll give it to you.) weird shoes, walking wind chimes, living christmas trees.. oh wait. It's the norm.
I'm sure there are people who appreciate it. I'm still taking the view that, well, fail. Because it's only a slightly dumbed down version of gothic lolitas. (And yesh, I saw a couple of those walking around.) Poser much? Well, like I said, it's the norm there.
What else is the norm? If you can't speak chinese, or can't speak malay, or aren't fluent in chinese, you're boned.
I felt like an absolute retard. No one could understand me, and I sure as fuck couldn't understand their attempts at english. Not that I'm looking down on them or anything, because well fuck, I can't speak chinese worth a shit.
Who am I kidding. A person like me, valuing both languages equally? NAHHHH. Come on, it's the global language. English or go home, imo.
*I walks into a shops.*
*Skinny, lanky dude walks up.*
"I'm just taking a look around, thanks."
"No, it's fine I'm just.."
Oh what the fuck. I didn't have the heart to keep repeating myself, or dumbdown my speech and seem like I'm making fun of him, so I apologized and left >_>. They were all bootlegs anyway.
Speaking of bootlegs.. your dollar is 2.5 times the value right? So I figure, hey, I got a new Xbox 360, let's grab some games!
Everything is either 5 years old, or it's a bootleg. FFS, PS2s are the like latest craze, and they put it on booths to let people try >_>.
Overall, it's fine. Got to experience some new stuff, and I can say with certainty I have visited JB. Going back there? Well I don't know. I better have a very good reason to.
My xbox goes to my brother, Jan.
My WoW account has all its assets liquidated and distributed amongst Eyun, Venial, Uncyclopedia, Zaral.. ah fuck it, everyone I know IRL.
My laptop goes to MC, so he no longer has to disconnect due to his overheating.
Fuck, okay. I just hate the fucking place. Jesus. Updates on the fail trip later. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. WHY DID I EVER AGREE. 13 HOUR SHOPPING SPREE JESUS CHRIST WTF?