After some zomgbytching with Joy, I think I'm done with JC.
If it's possible, I'm gonna beatfeet, drop the fuck out and run off to Poly or a business school. Anything is better than this POS you call the A levels.
Lectures? More like a glorified slumber fest. I don't care for your mathematical inductions, pi bonds or fucking electrons. AP GP whatever. Feels like teachers don't really care and stuff, I don't know. Tutorials just don't feel like classroom teaching.
I rolled JC with the intention of say, having an enviroment and system similar to Secondary school.
Boy was I a retard.
To top it off, I was from VS. You just don't get the same type of culture and atmosphere. Crap, I was such a naive retarded tard. Fact that CJ doesn't really have many people from the East (where I was raised all my life) doesn't help things. To finish it simply, I dread going to school. Every. Single. Day.
Weekends are like godsends, and I treasure every moment I get. Sunday nights are the worst shit ever.
Oh crap, another few hours before I have to go. QQ. But I don't wanna sleep! When I wake up it's time to haul ass back there. WTF.
Yes I'm unhappy. No I don't really care if I leave behind a mess. It sucks in there, I want to get out.
Indulge in me when I say this: I don't want to miss school. Yes, there's nothing much to look forward to, but I'm not a fan of getting marked for death by the PE dept. Heck I was supposed to get my hair cut (which I did) and report to the PE dept regarding absence without an MC.
Overslept again. Geeze.
Happens all the time - immediately after a PE lesson. I even slept earlier last night to compensate, but my body just aches so bad and I end up crashing all over my bed.
Bah. Prolly get an MC from a polyclinic today. Shit this. I'm gonna be so screwed in lessons.
I wrote my first damned essay in frick'un ages.
It ended up laced with an assortment of spelling errors and assloads of grammatical errors. That or microsoft word is full of fail.
Either way, it shot way past the word limit, like 1000 words or something, and doesn't seem to be too pleasant to read. Yes, I judge my own essays on whether they're "nice" to read or not. LOL. Sorry my eeeengelish is teh fail.
Yeah anyway, on a related note, I chanced upon Singapore-based forum and there was a thread about people with "fake" accents.
There was a link to an old video regarding Xiaxue, Mia and some other random bloggers who had this catfight thingy on national TV.
Here's my basic stance on fake accents. It's good for a joke, since I'm pretty sure not many can pull it off without sounding absolutely retarded. That's about it. Maybe you modify your pronunciations a little when speaking to a foreigner to facilitate understanding. What the hell, that was a bloody long sentence. Essay after-effects.
SO. This Miss Izzy fellow had this really smashed accent. A mish-mash of British, American and Australian accent. What, once she lived in Amer-Tralia-Tain or something? Any one from either of those 3 parts can tell she was faking it >.>. I felt embarrassed for her.
Fail fake accent is fail.
What else on those forums? Oh yeah, that students from 'elite' schools tend to fake accents. Considering many of those forumers were poly-goers or grads, I suppose they refer to chaps from the top JCs or secondary schools. Prolly the more "westernized" ones like VS, RI and possibly ACS.
Can't really blame 'em. Humans take every opportunity to be different. Being exposed an english-speaking enviroment, they possibly feel "one-up" over their peers when they fake an accent. I know, I used to be an asshat like that.
What those people need to know, however, is that an English with Singaporean pronunciations minus the terribad grammar and singlish exists. It's usually adopted by the middle-upper class denizens of Singapore, and in formal situations, or when dealing with strangers. Some dub it the "middle-upper Singaporean accent."
I'll admit to using that. Somehow it instantly snaps a person to attention, I've noticed it many times in in shopping centers and whatnot. It works, they listen, I'm not complaining. Besides, don't our english teachers use it all the time?
Bottom line? Like most things, faking an accent is situational - it's not even necessary. You don't go talking to your friends 24/7 like you would in an interview, so there. Besides being good for fun times, (Lol Israeli playing WoW lawl) you can't deny that sometimes, foreigners just have problems understanding what we say >.>.
See, when I filled in the appeal form to SA on the very day I got my posting results, (Dude, 6th choice, CJ. Wtcrap.) the little pricks asked for my email. What's the damned point if ya ain't even gonna mail me, message me or call me. At least tell me I got dropped and didn't make the cut. Bah.
Yes yes Honestly, I should be very thankful. CJ was my what, 6th choice and I managed to get in? Add that I barely met the cut off and there were others who had it as their first choice.
Funny how it works eh? Bah. Not important anyhoo. I'm past the point where I have to worry about retarded entry systems, be it primary, secondary or college.
And yes, I concede. I'm not exactly the happiest chap in CJ. Given a choice, I wouldn't stay, wouldn't have made the choices I did, and most definitely would have revised my options.
We'll put it this way. The school isn't bad per se, just that the people there seem a little.. different than the ones I'm usually around. Nothing wrong or bad, just different.
If you will, I'm stuck in a 'transition' stage. Afterall, I did miss virtually 2 weeks of school. There's a crap load of catching up to do, and it isn't just in terms of academics.
I'm sho sho l0nely in my class w0rx. /twitspeakoff
Wasn't kidding. It's gonna take a bit of time to settle down.
Meh. I actually meant to post a semi-intelligent post today, regarding a very interesting quote I chanced upon today.
"There are no atheists in foxholes."
But, oh gawd, I got lazy! No surprise there. Everytime someone says "I got lazy" "I'm lazy", god kills a kitten. I swear.
Ciao. (From an Ian who's not the slightest bit enthusiastic about school.)
Sister's birthday party on Saturday, and I had Darren, MC and Joy over. The party was your usual fare, as all parties are under this roof. Some relatives, either a big bunch of friends or small group of small ones and it's just 'hang out.'
We decided to be social, so we wanted to speak to a few of them, but didn't find a chance to. It's a tad bit odd, dining with a few other people at the dinner table but not speaking to them.
One thing that was really out of the blue was Sara and Sarah dropping by to pass me a gift, a cute red box in the shape of a house (I think), along with a small get well card. Opened it and I found tons of marshmellows. Haha. Really appropriate, considering I just had a nasty wisdom tooth op. Albeit it didn't hurt too bad no more, but it was still a sweet gesture I appreciated nevertheless. Thanks girls (:
Well as usual, as night creeps in my sis conked out and the three of us had to entertain her friends. Not that we minded at all, in fact, they were very sporty and it was good fun, playing poker, bridge and other drinking games. Cleared the mess later and went to bed. Good times.
Today, ah.
You just don't find friends like these everywhere. It's why I've only found these 3 in 7 years. Y'all know why.
Pretty much sums up yesterday and today. Great huh? Yes it's been that lifeless at home. Maybe went out once in a while, but it's just to smash some virtual Talibans with Darren or dinner with MC. Etc.
Anyway, I'll be making my maiden journey into a crowded area with my swollen cheek, so I hope no one bumps into it. Ima grab the first Sum 41 album I see. Go go punk-rock!
Prolly head to Suntec later to help MC with his laptop selection, then it's a sleepover till tomorrow, my sister's birthday. Long day ahead.
It's been sometime, and I've been offered a new perspective. Not that it makes a difference. My actions I don't regret. You're looking at a cynic, the earlier course of action is to be expected.
Painkillers have got to be one of mankind's best inventions. That, and anesthetics. The surgery itself was pretty quick, say, half an hour to forty five minutes? I have to say, it was pretty amusing as well. What with the 2 jabs numbing your entire lower jaw and cheek.
My lower right lip felt like this piece of squishy meat, and it was actually quite fun poking it. Of course the nurse specifically told me not to bite or otherwise disturb it, but what the hell.
They make you wear a gown, a shower cap as well as a shoe cover. I tore the shoe cover because apparently size 13/14 shoes were not considered when they manufactured those crappy blue plastic shoe covers. Big woop. See, Singapore just don't cater to people around my build/size. Godamnnit.
So they cover your eyes and start slitting your gums open, then you hear all sorts of sounds. The most disturbing one I found was the saw. Fancy sticking a mini-saw/drill into your teeth. How fun is that? =O. Didn't feel a thing though, that was what's interesting. A lil bit of pressure here and there, then when the doc starts yanking your sectioned wisdom teeth it gets a bit uncomfortable. My whole face was literally moving rofl.
Anyway, there's just a crapload of blood, yadder yadder.
It gets REALLY fun after. See, I was told to eat my painkillers as soon as I got home. Well, whenever something gets done to your teeth you don't start scoffing down food or gulping H20, 'specially if you keep tasting blood and there's this huge piece of soaked, bloodied gauze you're biting on. It just don't feel comfortable, y'know?
Oh shit. Anesthetic wearing off. Where're my painkil.. oh shit. Yeah. Previous post pretty much sums it up.
It's worse than braces, really it is. I was punching the wall to redirect some of the pain. Seemed to help, but honestly, I didn't need a fractured knuckle, so I tried to sleep.
Ever tried to sleep with a very bad stomach ache? Somehow it doesn't work eh? In fact, you usually wake up WITH or BECAUSE of the stomach upset. Same deal, amplified ten times.
Crap, when I finally had the painkiller it was like the best thing ever. Couldn't think of anything else other than "when's it gonna take effect when's it gonna take effect!?"
15 more minutes of throbbing pain and curling on the bed the pain just gradually subsided. Fun stuff! Despite a pretty obvious swell, I could speak again! Then I went to Darren's place for dinner and could actually eat a chicken wing, sausages and fish. So on the very day I had my surgery, I'm eating solid food! (Albeit at a slow rate, but you try having your wisdom teeth sectioned then yanked out, okay?) Great!
Blood still oozes out, and for the first time in my life I'm no longer bothered by the taste of copper in my mouth.
Go go 4 day MC.
Zomg like whut? Christ, it's a surgery! I'm gonna get cut open, them surgeons will do something then sew it right back. ):
Okay okay. It's just wisdom tooth removal, rofl. Well for all intents and purposes, I have a 2 week holiday since I'll be tossed a 5 day MC and next week -> March Holidays. I've been missing school every alternate day because of a slew of dental appointments. (How about you try concentrating or sleeping with a swollen painful molar, eh?)
I got a bad deal though, that wisdom tooth is sitting on a nerve of sorts, and if it's well I don't know, like how the dentist put it, "entwined or otherwise in between the roots of the teeth, there's a high chance that it'll get damaged."
Then I'll end up with a numb lower right jaw for the rest of my life. Yay. Some people don't even need a surgery. Hell, some just let the wisdom tooth grow because their mouths are so huge the jaw has enough space. Lmao.
Me? Not only do I have to go for a surgery, I risk numbing my entire right jaw and/or mouth depending on severity. True, there's a chance you crash and burn or drive off a cliff when you're in a car. Having said that, you can't deny that nerve crap is pretty shitty. Then again, some guy on this earth is probably whining why he ain't born with legs. I'll count my blessings then.
So I walked out to the busstop to wait for Darren and Sara today, but I was the first there, and I missed a bus waiting for Darren, while the both of us missed another bus waiting for Sara. Good thing she wasn't late. (Darren cabbed to school lulz.)
Essentially, I ditched Darren when I said I wanted to chicken out back home because 1T34 (My class.) is full o' scary people. 'sides, I'll be getting a 5 day MC. Sara had no reason to complain because she finally found her motivation to go to school. (Basically someone to accompany her through the long bus ride, lol.)
Hopefully the doctor didn't have an all-nighter with his wife or be afflicted by bad bout flu (AH-CHOO. Oops was that the nerve? Lolol. Oh well, hehe.) Here's to a resilient nerve and minimum swelling so I don't have to be on a liquid diet. After all, I did munch on a meat bun and eat noodles the very day I had my braces on.
Wait, what? Oh yeah, right. That wasn't really important. I mean I haven't been updating this and it's been what, one and a half weeks or maybe even two weeks in CJ already?
I'm not afraid to admit it here that I haven't quite adjusted, and don't really take to the people there. Just feels kinda different, y'know?
Kind of like if you've lived in the East all your life and you suddenly pop by Jurong. It's not shocking if you feel the people there are somehow different, and you're not a hundred percent at ease with yourself.
If there's already a discrepancy in Singapore, imagine the difference in bigger countries with many states. You get my drift. Just ain't the same.
Really, I don't want to go into details of the orientation or the first few days at school. To sum it up, I was just very happy to leave school everyday and meet with Darren or MC. Maybe I can't let these guys go? I don't know.
What I do know is, my left face is breaking out like a mofo, and it's hurting like crap with those shitty red swells. Crappy late nights and early mornings.
That's all I guess, maybe more tomorrow.