Y Wednesday, November 28, 2007
12:25 am

I did nothing today.


Okay, maybe I got up at 8am feeling totally wasted because I slept at 3 am that same day.. but yeah. Crapped up day.

Shawn had me run some instances in WoW, I could stay awake for the first one, second one made my healing in the group get sloppy and by the time we were attempting heroics for the first time, I totally bombed. Wiped twice at trash. Wow. That's one helluva acheivement. Oh crap, now I can't even spell. Someone correct me.

God, I'm so much of a waste of air that I'm blogging about WoW. Good lord!

Fine then, here's a nugget.. I have a confession to make!

Despite all my hate where Chinese pop and culture is concerned, and yes, that includes Taiwanese, Japanese, Korean and African pop culture, I..

Watch Hong Kong dramas. Really. Seriously. No kidding. Like SRSLY!

/twit end.

Yeah there're nice. Fine, some of them do recycle plots, but they're still a great distraction. For starters, the quality of acting in the HK drama scene is VASTLY SUPERIOR TO LOCAL SMUT! I'm not expert, but the acting just seems more fluid and natural.

Ever seen local English shows? Phail with a capital P.

Currently following one about conflict in a big rich family, what with the second evil wife and the evil brother in law swindling money out of the family, causin all sorts of problems and in general making a whole unrealistic mess out of the situation.

I mean, in real life, people do get tired of scheming and try to break stuff. True, breaking stuff is always easier, but it does get old.

What's nice is unlike them weird Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese dramas, there's no sickly "i need to puke plz" puppy love and romance in it. Fine, you still get your couples for the sake of fan service, but all the fanfare and clutter is brushed aside and you get a cleaner, more believable and tolerable pairing.

However, at the end of it all, it's a drama, a show, for entertainment purposes. So it ALWAYS works out. Nice try, but I covered that aspect already :D. No saying I'm ignorant about puppy love, romance and the like. Overrated imo.

8 am tomorrow morning, Shadow Labyrinth. Saaaveee meeee. >_>

Where do broken hearts go? Gave it some thought, and I think I got it. They don't go anywhere. They stay broken, until you lie to yourself it was never asunder from the start. Then you begin anew, telling yourself it was never broken in the first place. Perception is a powerful tool.

Y Monday, November 26, 2007
1:30 am

Damn it's big a long day. Sleptover at Darren's place the night before, so yeah, that pretty much means no sleep. No, we weren't staying up and emoing over our respective issues in life, we were kinda erm.. wasting our lives away.

Feels horribly good, for the first week anyway. O levels are over! Wheee. Ima like, you know, do what I want. Wait, what was it I wanted again? Oh yeah, to play WoW! And..?

Yeah. Feels kinda empty. I don't even -like- what I'm doing. The rest actually concur, that WoW's horribly boring, mundane, repetitive but we're still playing the damn thing. I suppose once you count in the social aspect of the game it's great.

So like I said, slacking and just wasting yourself away feels really, REALLY pleasurable. I mean, c'mon, not a care in this world anymore. Keep yourself in one piece, and I guess that's all there is to it.

Then it suddenly hits you that your situation kinda sucks.. well for us anyway. Plop ass down on chair. Power PC. Stare for the next 12 hours. Shit, that blows big time.

Gotta get out of the house.. but then I need a good reason to. Movie? Oh man.. but it really feels comfoy just rotting away on my chair... Besides, the last shopping trip was.. ah. Well it'll make the tsunami seem like a harmless drizzle.

So I agreed to join my family for lunch (after a VERY long time) which wasn't too bad a decision in the end. (Saw Loiusa at PP. Wow she loves those black eyeliners.)

Lunch was over boring Sakae Sushi. No matter how many times they change the menu, it's still the same taste and stuff. If I eat this again tomorrow I am going to gag and throw up on the waitress.

I suppose next came the highlight of the day. Borders was finally opened at PP, and yes, to my huge arse annoyance, it was crowded. Don't get me wrong, I love people! Really, I do!

But it gets on your nerves when

a) People bump into you even as you try to evade them.
b) It gets hard to hear the people talking to you.
c) It gets hard to make the people you're talking to hear you.
d) People push you.
e) You bowl over little kids.
f) Their mothers stare at you and shoot lazer beams outta their eyes.
g) You feel like you've just sinned more than satan himself.

Anyway, I digress. I picked up a copy of 'The God Delusion', then this malay staff member came over and said..

"That's a very good book!"
"Yeah, yeah, I know.. thanks.."
*Proudly, puffs chest* "It made me into an atheist!"
"Oh yeah, yeah. People need to know."

Nothing too interesting I guess, just worth a mention. Surprised to see a malay atheist, in Singapore, too.

Chanced upon Su Ann and Cheryl at Borders. Crazy girl wanted to sneak up behind me and boo or something. Hoy, didja know I coulda erm.. jumped up and died of fright? Then collapse on you and suffocate you too. Don't do that, girl!

Couldn't quite recognize Su Ann's friend, but I really felt as if I should know her. Turns out it was Cheryl. Hey, I haven't seen her in ages. Not my fault. Stop shooting me dirty looks. I've had enough pew pew from angry mothers.

Jodi Picoult books can be found just about everywhere, so I messaged MC and asked if he wanted it as his christmas present. Greedy bastard asked for two books. Hello, my wallet is not a bottomless hole.

As a side note, telling people what you're gonna buy a month before christmas probably isn't cool, or a proper thing to do.. but.



There we go. And I have never understood the weird machinations of people who can come up with all sorts of creative and 'cute' gifts for their significant other, or close friends. I just can't. Don't get it. Blank. Nada. Kosong. Kaput. Blabla.

Grabbed MCR's first album. Was very pleasantly surprised that Borders would carry it, since MCR's older albums are really tough to find. In fact, I saw some albums that were released 20 years ago. Not only all sorts of books, but music, too. Amazing.

Whined to mum and we went home soon after. I'm good. ;)

Wasted more of my life away, then hello post.

Hella bushed, and my entire body's aching. Gotta get up at 8 am tomorrow to run Steamvaults with that crazy Shawn. I hate WoW.

Y Wednesday, November 21, 2007
1:17 am
What was supposed to be a semi-happy occasion turned sour, it seems.

Darren dropped by at 11 am and after much persuading, got me to agree to go out for shopping.

For starters, let me say I'm VERY ticked off and VERY pissed off at this time of writing. Also, I have never liked shopping. Keep these 2 points in your head as you read.

So I was late watching something that honestly got me riveted. (Johnny Got His Gun. Look it up. Horrifying, but definitely food for thought.) Bout 45 minutes late, according to MC. Possibly the latest I've ever been, and hell yes, I'm VERY sorry about it. To my credit, I was early for our previous meetings. Doesn't soften any blows, but just think it's worth a mention.

I don't even know what I said to MC, but it had to do with... yeah shit, I don't even remember. He overstayed in the station waiting for me, so he had to pay something extra. I was fucking around and said something about reimbursing him and giving $50 to "buy him off and save all the trouble". Now, -I- thought everyone would take it as bullshit, because no one really told me off on the spot. Apparently, it hurt the poor chap a lot. My bad, honestly. An act of insensitivity that's one of my worst thus far.

As usual, I was up to my whining antics whenever I'm tagging along for window shopping. Why you ask, am I still tagging along? Should I just fuck off and not spoil everyone's day? Well, good question there!

I figure, since I suck so horribly bad at my academics, and EVERYONE that I know is going to V fucking JC, I might as well spend what little time left I have with them. Sounds good enough? Let's continue, shall we?

Simmered after lunch, and everything went peachy.

Until we got to far east plaza, and Chester repeatedly made remarks about how my face was black, and that I was REALLY TRULY unhappy inside.

Hey, just take me at face value Ches. When I say I'm not unhappy, just fucking take it. I mean it. Never have I put a false front to please you guys. Never. If I don't like some shit you guys are doing, I bring it up and fling the shit into your face, then wipe it up and we work something out together. As you said, we remain good friends because we can do that. I appreciate that.

So anyway, why did I even give people a reason to ask me that? It's my fault, isn't it? I mean, if I was my normal self, none of this would have happened. Good point there chap!

Terribly sorry, but I cannot help but feel bored and -TIRED- from all the walking! Am I to say I'm sorry for being me? Or that I took after my dad and hate window shopping with a passion?

Let's put it this way. When I shop, I know -WHAT- I want, -WHERE- to get it, and -HOW MUCH- it costs. Just the way my dad and I roll. It's the reason why mum drives us crazy sometimes. The inefficiency of it all.

Caught a flick after all of that, can't quite recall the title.. something like... Gameplan? Had Dwayne Johnson in it. Family flick. Nothing too memorable. Makes you go "Aww" but that's that. Only thing that stood out was Dwayne Johnson having such a major role with so many speaking lines. In my opinion, he acted pretty well. I mean, compare it with his previous roles in The Rundown, The Scorpion King etc. Hardly any speaking lines, or display of emotions other than rage and bloodlust, rofl.

In Gameplan, however, he had to act as some estranged dad learning the ropes. Good for laughs and heartwarming scenes, overall.

Decent movie, spoiled by an overall shitty day.

EDIT: The world has no need to know, yet.

Y Sunday, November 18, 2007
6:51 pm
Horribly, terribly, extremely fatigued. Or as we like to call it, shagged. Ah well.

So, yesterday was one of the first time I hosted a party with several friends. To be brutally honest, my original idea was just for me to lend my place while I tended to my own devices, whether the party actually worked out or not, was to be decided by Chester, since it was his idea.

But shit, it's my place afterall. No matter how you look at it, I've got to play the host. And so for the first damned time in my life, I gave it a shot.


There's Chester, a morally bankrupt (oh my GOD I LOVE this phrase) fella. So naturally, you'd have alcoholic drinks. Mmm.

Fun stuff later. Mundane, thoughtful issues first. Yes, I went to my AFT's (Mr. Zuraimi) place for lunch, along with the whole of the class. MC and I were the first to arrive (In fact, I was earlier than MC this time round. Feels good.) so we decided to pop by McDonald's for a drink.



Okay, she made it sound like a charitable organization. And yes, usually I don't mind throwing some loose change (of which 80% of the proceeds disappear or something) for them poor sods. Great, but I wasn't feeling particularly generous.


See the HUGE ARSE problem here? Neither MC nor I have said a SINGLE word, or uttered one syllable and she goes on blabbering her thanks. Crazy middle-aged woman.

"My heart's black."

Kinda curt, but I wasn't amused. At all.


Here's your two dollars, now get out of my face please. My god. She actually asked EACH of us buy one. Bloody hell. I don't even know what I bought. Chucked it away when I got the chance to. Annoying.

Got back home after a sumptuous meal at Baby Z's place (God his son is DAMNED cute.) but not before dropping by Melvin's gorgeous house. So many views form his place. Tekong, Malaysia, the airport and a cute little kelong fishing village thing. Actually grabbed a binoculars and could see some chaps rowing boats. Interesting.

Anyway, it was a long bus ride home after that, but not before grabbing some groceries and a cup of tooth-decaying bubble tea. Shit, that smut's gonna make someone die of a bloody sugar rush. Dumped the thing. (Sorry tim =\)

Cycled over to Sara's place to pick her up, because she refused to come over earlier. Jollyn as usual had problems cycling on roads, but where this is concerned, don't hesitate. When it's clear, it's clear. Just go. Hesitation on your part's gonna get you killed.

She looked great - was wondering what Jollyn was going on about her looking like an aunty of sorts. I'll never know.

Guests arrived soon after, and yeah, the whole shebang started. My room got crowded and we shifted everyone downstairs. Originally, food was a problem - quantity wise. Turns out no one really ate. (Can't blame y'all. The food didn't look half appetizing, and I know my home cooked food.) Some even went home hungry. (My apologies.)

Forgot about poor Samantha, who didn't fancy peas and carrots, so she didn't eat a bite of rice at all. Was supposed to grab her a plate of bee hoon, but.. you can guess what happened.

Surprisingly, everything worked out fine. Was a really pleasant surprise when Su Ann, Samantha and Jacq could make it. Someday, I have to go back to Greenfield to just take a look at the neighbourhood.

Seemed like I sinned cardinally though, because I forgot to invite Tze Lin. Well hey, at least it crossed my mind ya?

Alcoholic games I will not go into detail. Joy got really really drunk, spouted nonsense and hugged Bfoo, Darren and I non-stop while dragging herself around the house, insisting she wasn't drunk. Tried to get her away from the house with no avail, but she evidently couldn't drink anymore.

Tim, oh man, don't even know where to begin. Funny shit. Should have caught the whole damn thing on a camera. He was screaming randomly in that metal screamo voice, talking in circles with that beetroot red face. Honestly, pure comedic gold. No other way to describe it.

He even grabbed a drunked-ass MC's phone, essentially told Jollyn to go away and let MC have fun. Shit it was really funny. Crazy guy.

Then I had to guide a tipsy Zhao Peng and poor Danielle to the main road. Halfway though Samantha told me Jacq got stuck in my sister's toilet. Freaked badly at that moment - I couldn't quite get home, because Bobby's.. tipsy, and Jacq was breaking up pretty bad from what I heard.

Told Danielle to give me a call when she left, and ran all the way home.

*Ting ting ding dong dong*
*Checks message*
"Jacq's out."


Danielle called, and I had to check if Bobby was okay. He was. But Tim wasn't. Took one step into the house and crap, I almost choked. Tim vomitted all over the floor.

"I like.. tried to vomit into the bag...? But I kinda missed. Sorry dude.."

Who was the one who said he wouldn't freakin vomit for tonight eh? Fine, so technically you didn't, since that happened at around 12ish. Good on you Tim. Mess was cleared shortly after, my thanks to all that helped, specially Louisa and Tim (who was mucking around in his own mess more than anything.)

Tze Lin dropped by at that time - bad timing. House smelled like a freakin dump.

So now I had 2 slightly tipsy Chester and Blim, a totally wasted Tim and MC, a very woozy Darren and Bobby, who were both talking out of their asses. (It's actually hella funny to poke fun at drunk people's logic. Try it sometime.)

Tim went up, took out his shirt, REFUSED to shower.

"No man, I don't need to shower. I DON'T NEED TO SHOWER. Just needa sleep.. just let me sleep and I'll be good the next morning."

And he slept on my bed.


Followed by MC (who was sprawled on a wet toilet floor, while vomiting into the toilet bowl. A few times.) I pretty much gave up by then. Slept on the sofa bed. Bobby died on the sofa couch downstairs, while Chester and Blim pretty much didn't sleep. Retard Daren was squeezing on the bed along with Tim and MC. Funny thing was his toes were twitching non-stop as he slept.

Our Morally Bankrupt friend took the blanket from my bed and into the sofa bed. Best thing Ches's ever done. Drunk shits wouldn't tell the difference between being hot or cold.

Aw come on Ian, don't be so hard on them. They were drunk!

No shit. You try taking care of a bunch of vomitting, delusional drunks. Effin try it.

PS. Above all, I actually enjoyed the whole thing, despite it being really draining. (Hey it's my first time. Cut me some slack.) In fact, Dad says we should throw it again once in a blue moon! With catering, too!

Y Thursday, November 15, 2007
9:51 pm
Well, hello there.

I suppose the time has dawned upon us all, to close a chapter of our life, a significant one, mind you. Horribly cliched, I know, but hey, it's a cliche for a reason. It's true and happenings.

What I've wanted to say about these 4 years I've already done so in the lil (okay not so little. big and heavy) book, a "Victorian Annuals" of sorts. I very much doubt it can truely be expressed in wor... you know what? Scratch that. Boring stuff.

So anyway, yesterday was the Linkin Park concert in Singapore, pity I didn't have enough cash to grab some tickets. Headphones cleaned me out real bad, I'm still wincing from the gigantanourmous hole in my wallet. Literally too. My coin compartment is torn and I drop coins periodically. So MC, stop tossing your loose change to me.

Sad really, I've just started to appreciate their slower and more melodic songs in Minutes to Midnight. Personal favourite's Hands Held High, but then only the last part, heh. Sorry mel, I'm still not a fan of rep or sequences with no tune or anything except some fella rapping away.

Today's been a long day. Hit the gym for the first (well second actually, but the first one doesn't really count) time in my life. Treadmill, then some other weird looking machines with weights (duh lawl) attached to them to train the 35824069204 different muscles in your body.

Here's something funny. There was a personal trainer about, teaching his client how to operate a machine. So he put his pin way down (HEAVY.) and demonstrated. He moved the key up more than half and let his client give it a shot. The poor stick man barely moved the weights a centimeter when a BLAM resonated through the gym. Rofl.

"Cannot cannot."
*Adjusts weights*
"Try again."
"Cannot la hahahaha."

Fine, that was mean but hey, I'm not saying I can do any better.

Satisfied with my black shirt and FIRST pair of sneakers. (Black too!) Hooah! Finally, a pair of shoes that doesn't look like oversized basketball Nike shoes. Go me.

acitratna ni esuoh elttil taht rof gnol llits i

Y Saturday, November 10, 2007
1:51 am
In the darkness
When you're afraid, unsure,
You see a light in the distance
It burns strongly, almost as if for you.
The light offers a guiding hand
Chasing away the darkness
There was something quite special about that light
Or so you thought

Then the realization hits you
It's just a light
Ignites for everyone, extends guidance and kindess
To anyone who asks for it
You look away now
But images of that light
Are seared into your eyes
Every time you shut those eyes
A ghastly after image forms

You can see the light
But not reach out for it
Neither can you forget it
A permanent imprint in your memories

So be it, you say
You stop and feel around you
And join hands with brothers who are equally blind
Maybe a way can be figured out, somehow
To forget, forever.

Presence of mind, clarity of thought. Hello buds. I'm back.

Y Thursday, November 01, 2007
6:10 pm
Now now. Let's see.

We're almost at the end of the Os.

I feel like it's already over.

Justified? Probably not. I think I'm gonna screw up my Os pretty bad. Well, have fun at VJC you guys. Really wish and hope I could join ya. But that's the end of the line for me. Perhaps we still can meet after.

Physics Paper 2
Physics MCQ
Chem MCQ
Geog MCQ

Not much left. Not much that can be done. (Except hit on the MCQs real hard.)

End of the line.

End of the line.

Have fun at VJC guys.

Friends don't last forever. Brothers do. I hope?