Pretty damned sure many of you are having issues with this. Be it grousing about "access DENIED LOLLOL" when you asked for a sleepover at a friend's place, or having to come home "so early" at nine pm. Or death threats if you fail to meet certain requirements and criteria.
Believe it or not, you're not the only one having your "freedom" restricted. Many others feel the same way, so don't wallow in self-pity or get angsty over it just yet.
Personally, I've never had much problems where getting permission to carry out certain activities is concerned. I've had people telling me "Wow so good. your parents let you blablablablabnla."
Important thing here, in my opinion, is trust. Never for one moment think "I can handle myself. My parents don't have to worry."
That's a surefire way to get your ass grounded in your room, never to see the sunrise again.
Because they do worry, and no matter who you are, what you do, where you are, they'll worry. Regardless of how bloody astronomical the chances are of a person running up to you shaking your hand before proceeding to rape you, they'll worry. Yes, it's that ridiculous, and yes it's 120% justified. No, you cannot change their minds, so don't even think about it.
Simple reason. They're your parents, there's only one lousy copy of you, and they intend to keep it.
So, is it impossible to get out and have fun once in awhile? Well, from here on, it's all from my personal experiences, so your mileage may vary.
First thing to build up is a rock solid relationship. Can't get home everyday wondering when your mum's gonna eat your ass or when your dad's gonna take his belt out and give you a good hiding.
Boring, I know, but occasionally, they do have interesting insights. So talk to your folks. Best stuff are about how teenagers are currently. Talk about your friends and the conflicts they have with their parents, but don't mention names. Names come in only when they do something good, and you want your parents to know more about them. (More on this later.) Accept their views no matter how much you disagree, and realize that your own opinions are equally ridiculous.
Basically, where their opinions are concerned, take a "I'm glad you think this way. (I secretly disagree, but won't say it out loud or show it.)"
Second is the trust part. Parents want to know basically 3 things when you're out. Who you're with, what you're doing and where.
What you're doing and where are the major stumbling blocks. "I'm at a friend's party. I wanna stay over. Please please please please?"
This is Singapore. If you think you're gonna get an affirmative, go jump off a building.
How do you build it up? Simple. Your parents should know WHERE you are and WHAT you're doing ALL the damn time. It really really helps, because it gives the impression that you have nothing to hide, and nor should you hide anything, really.
If trying for harder stuff like sleeping over, (yes for some of us, it is.) that's where the WHO comes in. WHO you're with can potentially make or break the permission. Your chances are seriously doubled tripled 39r02fmm if you're with someone your parents themselves know, trust, and like.
Have a few, to be sure. If you're a girl, make sure you have at least one guy friend that's like that. Because current parents still follow the old adage of males leading the society and being stronger blabla.
Clubbing and alcohol.. eh. I'm really unsure on what to say on that subject, because personally, I dislike clubs. Alcohol.. well. From time to time in my opinion it's okay, and my parents don't really mind. Mum says it's because she knows who I'm with, where I am and what the occasion is. After the first time, and nothing goes wrong, your folks would usually be more inclined to let you off.
Boils down to 4 things. Your relationship with your parents, whether they know where, you are, the company you keep and what the occasion is.
Oh yes, thank god I didn't forget this. Don't lie. I'm serious. Don't. Lie. It may work the first time, second or third time, but you'll soon me spinning a whole web of deceit. You WILL slip up somewhere. Maybe you won't, but your parents will know whenever you fib.
It's like they have a frick'un lie detector or something. You won't get pass it. Even if it seems you did, they just muffled the alarm and let you pass. But they know. Once you lie, it's all over. GG trust. It gets reset to a negative value and you'll never ever get to go out again. Have fun getting grounded in your room.
One last thing. Sometimes a no means a no. Stop trying and don't lose your temper.
Results: L1R5 after moderation, 17. Just so everyone stops fucking asking.
For the nit pickers. What follows have already been moderated.
English - A2
Chinese - B4
E Maths - A2
A Maths - C5
Hist/SS - A2
Geog - C6
Physics - D7
Chem - A2
I have to take Chinese and A maths into my L1R5. Okay. 17.
It's a marked improvement from 36 points in the mid years, I know. I too was extremely satisfied and relieved when I heard the news in Suntec. (Was out with Darren, Joy and Chester. More on that later.) So I limped around with that light heartedness.
Right until the next day, when I realized how fucking screwed 17 points is. People claimed to have the same amount of points, or around there, but that's unmoderated. 17 point. And let me ask you, what the fuck would you like to do with that? Go to TPJC or SRJC? For 6 weeks, then you change schools. 1 month is probably spent on orientation. After those 6 weeks, you'd probably not see the people you met ever again. So what's the deal?
Some say with a -2 from CCA I can get into SA's arts stream. I highly, highly doubt this bullshit. SAJC is a 8/10 point school. No way can their Arts stream be 16 points. Wish it were. Then I have a safety net for after the Os.
I tried to sleep the shitty feelings off. It never worked. It's like a perpetual nightmare. Ever woke up from a nightmare only to realize you're still dreaming? Yeah. It's fucking scary, frustrating and there's nothing you can do about it.
I'll relate an experience to you.
I was on the bus with MC. He said he was starving, and wanted to have dinner with me. He offered to pay. Funnily, I wasn't really keen. So I was about to reject him, when I "fell" suddenly found myself alone, standing on the same stretch of road the bus was on. Cars and shit were still speeding past, I just stood there like a dummy.
Second thing is, I was dressed in pyjamas, holding a bolster. What the crap? Common sense tells you that at this point of time, you're dreaming. It can't be real. I ran around and started hitting myself and the people at the bus stop.
I just couldn't wake up.
On hind sight, I should have just remained right there. Fuck this shit.
First my chem almost dropped to a B3, because "after much deliberation, discussion and very tough decisions, we have decided to penalize one mark from you here. Enjoy your B3." Arseholes. Thank god it rounds up, so I keep my A2.
Took a bus to PP. I was on the second deck, and when we were at our stop.. I walked towards the steps and bumped my head on the ceiling. Looked up, took a step without looking.
My shoe's pretty big (In SG anyway. Size 14) so I misstepped and had my entire weight on my left ankle. I sprained it.
Hobbled around PP with Joy, MC and Daryl to buy lots and lots and lots of stuff, which shall only be mentioned after tomorrow in case someone checks here.
Oh, and during our lunch Joy kept stepping on my bad ankle. See la. She's dangerous, I swear. Kept telling her "one more time and you'll support me as I walk." Good enough deterrent!
Daryl on the other hand, was purposefully kicking my left leg -.-. Arsehole. Hope he burns in hell or something. In addition to his vocal chords.
Hobbled back home, had a bunch of CCHMS guys stare and giggle on the way home. Whatever. Commie bastards have NO heart =\. NO HEART.
Related story to mum and all she went was "I'll bring you to a chinese sensei after dinner."
Ai ya. Typical of her la. Whenever something goes wrong, our nose bleed or high fever and shivering, she never panics. Every thing's always under control, and solutions are come up with lightning quick. Ah well.
*Rotates ankle. Rotates ankle. Rotates ankle. Rotates ankle.*
"Ow. ow. ow. ow."
*Pulls feet*
Wth. Sigh. Now I have my ankle wrapped in some bandage thingy with chinese medicine paste thingy. But I think chinese herbs smell nice. The kind of smell when you step into a Chinese medical hall.
Halo 3 release date tomorrow. Hmm. Lesee how the ole' ankle holds out.
And as always, innocent like roller coasters.
Fatality is like ghosts in snow and you have no idea what you're up against
Because I've seen what they look like.
Becoming perfect as if they were sterling silver chainsaws going cascading
Yesterday, was Darren's sweet 16 celebration. Yep. I was the first to arrive at his place, as usual (lawl). I regretted wearing long sleeve =\. I anticipated that my mum would fetch me to his place, but she was out. Boo frickin hoo. 10 minute walk in the afternoon sun, when it's near the autumn equinox, and dressed in long sleeve.
Okay, enough whining. So I got to Darren's place, slacked around a bit and Bfoo arrived soon after.
Nothing much to describe what happened next, really. As usual, we mucked around the consoles and PC, and bagero joined us shortly. Here's the funny. *DotA In-Joke Alert* Bfoo was playing Furion, so he wanted to summon them trees. He misclicked and an error message appeared. "Need to target a tree."
Frickin irony, it's a bloody tree playing the game anyway!
Darren's CCHMS guys ditched him. Tsk. Typical.
Joy came shortly after, and I had NO idea why she wanted to keep hiding her face. Well, I caught a few glimpses, and I felt she looked good. Oh well.
Dinner was at Jack's place, and unsurprisingly, Chester and Ming Cong were late. Blim took the cake for being the latest, and he had the privilege of making 2 useless rounds around Sakae Sushi looking for us =D. That's what you get for making us wait.
For the first time in my life, I ate escargos and clams. Damn the clam tasted nasty. Super strong taste thingy, despite having lemon and some sour-spicy sauce splashed generously across it. Felt like puking after eating the clam. Surprisingly, the escargo was pretty good. Maybe I'll eat it next time.
Laughs were shared over dinner, and Chester and I ordered a cake for Darren. Blackforest. Classic.
Well, something unfortunate did happen, but it was rectified quickly and we all got over it anyway.
Next was pretty much the highlight of the day. The third 'first time in my life' today. I went to Kbox (I normally avoid these places. You see frickin Chinese songs everywhere) and we had a whale of a time.
Kinda expensive, $23 per person, but we could stay till 3 am. 4 jugs of ginger beer (mmmm) and complimentary snacks. At first I thought the drinks were a bit excessive, but I soon realized we needed tons of the sweet liquid to soothe tired and strained vocal chords. Lol.
I tried my hand at Somethin' Stupid (dueted with Joy the first time. Omg =\. That girl can sing.) and it was horrrrrrible. Your voice sounds totally different when you hear it for yourself. I wanted to just go "Screw it. Just skip me" because it was THAT horrible. Wtf.
And yes, Joy can sing. She was totally unaffected by Daryl Ho's off-pitch, off-tune singing. Okay, well Daryl Ho got it later and everything went okay. Did I mention how she was on-tune like 95% of the time? Damnnit *green eyes*. Daryl How, however (lawl pun) seems to be relatively tone deaf, singing in his talking voice all the time lol.
Darren didn't really get to sing "Back at One", because the Kbox version was screweeed. Oh yeah, and their selection of English songs are extremely old and limited. Sheesh. Chinese songs? You got a whole gigantanourmous collection of them. Communists! Every last one of them!
Okay okay. To be fair, and to off-set the uber negativity of my previous post towards Chinese music, I've got exposed to quite a fair bit at Kbox. I change one or two opinions.
One, that I can afford to add one or two more songs to my Chinese songs library.
Two, that SHE really isn't that bad. They can sing. But they're still overrated, especially Hebe. *Hides from Blim*. I maybe crazy, or have weird taste, but I still like Selina's look better than Hebe. Sue me.
Three, that Jay Chou is ugly, but has talent. EDIT: In singing and composing. NOT rapping and acting.
Imo, Joy took the cake for best singer, followed by Blim. I want to go back there again sometime. I can't believe I'm that bad ._.
Bloody burnt out right now. Tuition in 40 minutes. G'day all.
There're a few reasons why.
1) I just don't understand chinese. Really. I tell you, I can only catch random phrases like "Wo ai ni, ni ai wo" ".... something something ai." or "ni.. wo.. ai" You get the idea.
2) I'm of the opinion that some chinese artistes sell by image and not real talent. Their type of singing can be done by virtually anyone, and the only reason why they're selling well is because of the countless of nose, lips, eye, or whatever job you can think of. Did I mention Jolin Tsai's bewb job? Lawlerz.
3) Chinese music seems to be less diversified, and they keep taking borrowing from English music. Jay Chou can rap. Sure. But where do you think he got that idea from? Say hello to your black and white trash.
Also, you don't see bands like MCR or Aerosmith in chinese. I asked Daryl, and he said such bands do exist, but they don't sing stuff as hard as them. Wait a second. Since when was MCR hard stuff? o_O. It's quite tame, really. Compare them to like say.. those Death Metal bands I've never even heard of. Yeah. Every line's screaming about anti-christ statements. Scary.
4) Every chinese song is about.
How many ways can you sing about love? Seriously.
-I love you.
-I miss you.
-I yearrrrrrrrn for you.
Hence my fascination with MCR.
Most of the time, they take this love thing somewhere else. Yes, it's romantic. You still have two lovers for most part, but it doesn't end very well. Instead of happy endings, or sad ones, you get grim, slightly psychotic ones.
I'll give an example.
Slightly deranged girl falls in love with guy. Guy doesn't really reciprocate, but that's not his fault; he's gay. Rejects girl somewhat. Girl destabilizes even more and buys a bottle of cyanide from the grocer. Wants to kill guy so they "won't be separated anymore."
Oh yes, girl isn't very well liked because she's dotty and stuff like that, so the shopkeeper sells her the cyanide.
Girl poisons guy. Brings his body to her bed, lays him there. Sleeps with him for the next 20 years. Decomposed body and all. Oh yeah, for kicks, the guy did drugs too I think.
You get the idea. It's grim, but definitely more fun than just "I LOVE EUUX DO YEW WURBS ME?"
Cough. Seems like today wasn't the results after all. 1st of October. I'm living on borrowed time now.
Oh, just to make sure y'all don't think I need counselling or help, I do listen to other music. In fact, here's a list of my favourite albums at the moment.
1) Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge - My Chemical Romance
2) Sonic Firestorm - DragonForce
3) Fireflies - Faith Hill
4) Valkyrie Profile 2 Soundtrack - Motoi Sakuraba (omg I feel nerdy now.)
5) I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love - My Chemical Romance.
6) The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Soundtrack - Jeremy Soule
Yeah. But I do have a motley assortment of pop songs as well. Ah yes, today, I've grown to appreciate Brian McKnight more. Red, White and Blue is simply beautiful. Heartwarming song about soldiers going off to fight in the Iraq War, a soldier who hasn't seen his newborn baby girl yet, being halfway across the world at her time of birth.
I realize it's an overused theme, but hey, the song's good. Gotta looove Rascal Flatt's falsetto and BMcK's magical voice.
Helena Misheard Lyrics
EDIT#2: OMG. Seriously. Just bear with me and click the second one.
Welcome to the Black Parade Misheard Lyrics
Late dawns and early sunsets
Just like my favorite scenes
Then holding hands and life was perfect
Just like up on the screen
And the whole time while always giving
Counting your face among the living
Up and down escalators
Pennies and colder fountains
Elevators and half price sales
Trapped in by all these mountains
Running away and hiding with you
I never thought they'd get me here
Not knowing you'd change from just one bite
I fought them all off just to hold you close and tight
But does anyone notice?
But does anyone care?
And if I had the guts to put this to your head..
But would anything matter if you're already dead?
And should I be shocked now by the last thing you said?
Before I pull this trigger
Your eyes vacant and stained..
But does anyone notice?
But does anyone care?
And if I had the guts to put this to your head..
And would anything matter if you're already dead?
And now should I be shocked by the last thing you said?
Before I pull this trigger
Your eyes vacant and stained..
And in saying you loved me
Made things harder at best
And these words changing nothing
As your body remains
And there's no room in this hell
There's no room in the next
And our memories defeat us
And I'll end this direst
But does anyone notice?
But does anyone care?
And if I had the guts to put this to your head..
But does anything matter if you're already dead?
And should I be shocked now by the last thing you said?
Before I pull this trigger
Your eyes vacant and stained..
And in saying you loved me
Made things harder at best
And these words changing nothing
As your body remains
And there's no room in this hell
There's no room in the next
But does anyone notice there's a corpse in this bed?
Incidentally, it also marks the end of my journey in the game we call "Life."
Prelim results will be out tomorrow, and my A2 for Chem isn't going to mitigate my L1R5 in anyway.
There will be NO moderation for English. According to KC, the class did very badly for Paper 1, with almost everyone not answering to the question for situational writing. GFG. Some people were also -heavily- penalized for untidy handwriting.
Anyone who's seen my handwriting knows that Bill Gates would be a pauper compared to me - if I earned a penny every time someone whined about my handwriting.
Don't really have to talk much about the other subjects. I'm not about to become a Joel and spend 7 long paragraphs on my results.
So. Today was supposed to be celebrate Joy's birthday day, but she had her friends do it for her. Tsk. To think I naively thought her friends would REALLY forget. Ah well. But I met Bfoo at PP anyway (sorry for the wait bro) as I had to buy some stuff. Or to be more precise, new earphones.
See, you gotta applaud Sony Ericsson for their shrewd marketing tactics.
Lost/spoiled/ate/sat on your earphones? You can buy replacement ones at crazy inflated prices!
The funny thing is, the part that goes out of order is usually the piece connecting the earphones to the hand phone. What I CANNOT comprehend is why the hand phone can't just have a earphone/headphone jack.
I spent $88 for those bloody earphones. Well done!
Your EQ is 167 |
![]() 50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick! 51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese. 71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely. 91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that. 111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt. 131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin. 150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar. |
ZOMG! Something good about me at last. But it probably wasn't accurate. Sigh. I swear I answered most of them truthfully.
Yeah I was bored.
Y'know when I said I had a fighting chance for A maths? It's time to re-look that. More like Paper 1 was this really shiny looking object with a worm stuck on it. Now if I could have just one bite..
Thank you for screwing me over again, ya? Well done Maths dept. Whoever set the paper, I'll eat your babies and beat you to death with a bat. Heck, we're the worst batch in recent history (omg see what i did thar?) So you're NOT going to moderate English and REFUSE to give us a fighting chance for our papers.
Screw this. Come eat at Parkway Builder's mac's after Os, like for the first 3 months. I'll serve ya with a smile.
Side note: Chem A2. Wow that's great isn't it? Oh wait, I'm gonna fail Geog, a maths and physics. Fuck that.
Dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had.
Significant events mostly happened on Saturday. We went to Suntec to see Jollyn's performance/competition thingy. It was an open competition by Yamaha. Well, we weren't given an exact timing, so even if we didn't arrive late, we'd have missed her performance.
I have some grips with Suntec. It's amazingly mazy. We arrived at Suntec's buildings and towers at around 1.50. 10 minutes ought to be enough to find the place, right? So into the convention hall we stepped. As expected, it was huge. The elevators were full 120% of the time and we decided to take the escalators, despite the location (WE THOUGHT IT WAS THERE) being 6 floors up.
So after 10 minutes of running about, we got to the 6th floor. WTF? Games convention thingy. They booked the whole of the 6th floor. So we approached a security guard who gave us no directions. Fine. Bfoo suggested the theater at the third floor.
We were greeted with some bridal dresses thingy, then walked straight into this Yamaha Grand Piano display. But all we saw was "Yamaha" (rest was selectively blocked out) and immediately charged in. Oh wait, they're selling grand pianos. Well done.
So we went around, then approached this staff who was rather impatient. She seemed like a busy person, but it's her job to help lost people like us. Raising her right hand and pointing to her right, she said "Yes turn -left-."
"Yes LEFT."
Okay so does that make your left hand your right?
Here's the stupid thing. We actually walked past the correct location. That stupid place was located just before the Grand Piano Exhibition. Well done people. You wasted half an hour of your lives walking around Suntec's Convention Hall. G'day.
Turns out Jollyn had already performed. She felt bad that we came and missed it, so her mum gave us a treat at the World Food Fair. The satay was good =D. Met her mum for the first time, she seemed like a nice lady, but Jollyn and MC says she's fierce lol.
Jollyn didn't get into the finals, but neither did last year's national champion for some Piano competition thing. The judges have too much ear wax in their ears. That is all.
Went to the games convention next, and yeah, well, it was pretty boring. Interesting in that it's something new in Singapore, but it fails overall as a convention. Mostly a display of games, some very hyped, like Warhammer Online. Dunno, my interest in them seems to be waning. Well fine, graphics are getting better but is it really THAT fun sinking your time into those games? I don't know - I'm having a bigger kick just being around with my friends dining.
Oh I spotted something interesting, and to a certain extent, disturbing. Y'know those girls dressed skimpily in those car conventions? Well the gaming world has taken a leaf from their book and now we have "game girls". Tall, some pretty, models wearing suggestive outfits and standing at gaming booths.
Those girls are definitely paid a lot. I don't see any other reason to stand around a sea of so called nerds, who're "losers" in their eyes, having to take pictures with that uber obese greaseball. You see people who, while playing a guitar-simulation game, suffer from delusions of rock star grandeur. A nicer way to put it would be enthusiastic. But really, your whole body moving, head bobbing and those weird rocker facial expressions?
A maths paper today was great. Only -13 marks. A marked improvement. Could comfortably do nearly everything else. B3 maybe. History on the other hand was pure bad time management. =\ I will stop doing SBQs first. Blah.
First off, pictures will be uploaded to a photo album site of sorts, so that'll be later.
30th August
Happy Teacher's Day.. I think? Well, since just about the whole class was about to skip school on the actual day, 4F decided to give our two very lovely form teachers a treat. A dinner at Sakura International Buffet Restaurant (Or whatever it is) at Down Town East.
Fine, we were late, because we crashed gamers before going to Down town east. One game became two. Then three. You get the idea.
Dinner was great - it was the first time I took so many pictures in a single seating. Most of 'em had Jarrett inside though. No idea why. Can't go wrong with Jarrett eating a banana. That's hot.
We stuffed ourselves so bad it wasn't funny. Y'know they have this.. clip system. Every table would be given 4 clips, and if you want Teppenyaki, you'd have to clip the.. clip at some sign thing, then wait for your order.
Most tables had like 2 unused clips at all times. Our table never had clips at any given time.
Then there was this weird arse concoction of coffee, coke, sprite, red and green chilli with wasabi. Don't ask me why, but people actually drank it. It was so bloody nasty that I felt like throwing up when I caught a whiff of it.
Took a few more photos then bid the rest of the class adieu.
1st September
Teacher's Day! Except it wasn't really celebrated with teachers. It was always an excuse to meet up with primary school friends anyway. We had lunch at pizza hut, not a very filling one but hey, wallets have limits.
Next up was a really over-rated movie. Ratatouille or however you spell it. I don't get it. What's so nice about that show? Sure, it's motto is "Anyone Can Cook.". So it's trying to tell us we can do anything we set our hearts to.
Overused theme, uninspired storyline. Only thing it has going for it is probably the art and graphics. First time rats are potrayed in that cutesy manner. Family movie, so I guess my gripes aren't really justified.
Oh oh, it was the first time I went to a Settler's Cafe too. Pretty cool, the concept. A bunch of friends sitting together playing board games. They really should include RPGs as well. Did I mention the rates were exorbitant? Try not to frequent there unless you have some serious moolah to burn.
Then it was a sleep over at Chester's place.
2nd September
Woke up the next morning feeling bloody wasted. Jollyn came over to pass me something for I was wondering why she couldn't give it to him personally, but what do I know. MC came over after a bit, and shortly later Jollyn and Sara came over too. Haven't seen Sara in ages, but she's still the way I remember he to be. Surprise guests.
Crashed Darren's place in the evening. Yes it was hella fun, but to sum it all up, it was just a big slack fest. Xbox 360, 2 PCs connected via LAN and 5 buddies to spend the night. Sleep -OVER-. Lawl.
I can't believe I'm actually playing Guitar Hero II as much as I did >.>. Only practiced one song, because the others just sounded weird. Stuff I never heard of, definitely not my kind of music. Managed to complete Dead! by MCR on Hard at my 3rd attempt. =D.
3rd September
Didn't wake up feeling as crappy as I did yesterday. Time to knuckle down and get some work done.