Apparently, this Indian tutor teaches E/A Math and Physics.
First impressions were horrid.
He came last week, despite the scheduled date being today. He was pushing to have a lesson anyway, but really, I was hella tired that day and didn't want to do anything cept sleep. No matter how good a teacher is, if the student is unwilling, ya won't get even the tiniest amount of work done. Luckily, he understood that concept and left. Of course, I got screamed at by my mum for "chasing" the tutor away, but hell.
As for today's lesson, it was.. pretty good, despite my initial misgivings.
Any doubt I appear to have would be blasted from the face of the Earth as soon as it rears it's ugly head. Good, I like that. Seeing as how my weird thought process leads to conclusion which make Michael Jackson seem a very normal person.
I've got the whole chapter on Locus and Loci down to a pat. Ask me anything. Woot.
Even better was how I managed to get through the Physics SPA despite having numerous blanks in my coursework thus far. In fact, I made minimal mistakes.. nothing too grave and my answers were rather believable. (Not that I cooked the results.)
Then I had 14/17 for the latest test on electric circuits.
Ian is a happy panda indeed.
Today however, was rather different. Had lunch in school, (because MC was pouting when I wanted to head home.) didn't feel like taking a bus when I took a peek at the weather. Hot enough to melt rocks.
Because I brought my portable harddrive instead of my E maths textbook, I suggested watching the badminton semi-finals. East zone, of course. (Because Coral would whoop our ass into yesterday so hard that even quarter finals is an impossible dream.) Now, the best way to get BAGERO enticed is to say "GO THERE SEE GIRL." So don't kill me for playing that card. It happens to be an ace of spades where Daryl's concerned =X.
The score was rather.. depressing. No, that'd be an understatement. Appalling should be about it. We were down 0-2 by Anglican High School.
It's a 'lil off topic, but I've always wondered how such an English-sounding school becomes so bloody chee-nah. Not that it's a bad thing.
Ok I lied. It is.
Anyway, some poor sod got us to 2-1 to keep VS in the game. Kudos to you. We flat out won the next set, which was the doubles game. FFS, we got 3 points by just surfing? LOL. Surf, score. x3.
Then the hammer fell. For the deciding game, VS grabbed the first set without much trouble. Suddenly the lower sec fella faltered to the point where he'd ignore the shuttlecock so long as it neared the line of the court. Seemed to me like "Hmm it's going to be out. I hope it's out. Ok let's see if it's out."
This happened until we lost the second and third set. I can see however, the poor chap was suffering. Before every surf he'd stick his palm out and rest his body on his knees. Good grief. What was he doing when everyone else was running? Walking? Granted, I'm no sportsman, I have no right to comment. It's just the view of a spectator who knows nigh upon zero about the game. Disregard if you (sportsman) will.
VS lost fair an square, despite the strong cheers. Overall, I suppose we were rather proud of the badminton boys. We showed great sportsmanship. LOL @ the Anglican who whined, shouted and extended his arms in disbelief when he lost a close game.
Went to PP after the game ended. Collected me new pair of specs. It's orange =\. Bright, but my family says it's my colour. But that black Prada frame was SOOOOOOO gorgeous. $528 though.
Ok before you smack my head saying "WTF IAN ARE YOU CRAZY" may I please say there were frames easily in excess of $1000. Not so much of "IT'S A PRADA ZOMG MUST HAVE." It just looks realllly nice. Half frame, black and all. Gorgeous. Has that "classy" look about it.
Pity the orange one suited me better. Said half frames made people with thick eye brows look fierce, my mother did.
Nevermind. New specs, I'm happy; though my world looks somewhat warped and super-sharp. New prescriptions = Lose.
Yes, I'll finally have the links updated.
No, Ian's not a happy panda. At least not of lates.
I'm soooo shitted. Severely behind my A maths homework, purposely lagging behind on E maths (GOD DAMN DRAWING THINGIES.), only half-way proficient on both physics and chemistry.
Now, I won't blame CO for this, it's unfair to do so. Countless of people are able to handle CO, work and play. Yes, they do better than I in those 3 aspects too. But for those who are still wondering. (since the CO room apparently has a gigantic grapevine growing in it.)
I am NOT going for the SYF.
There you have it. Plain and simple. Now for the why.
It's easy to see that I'm lagging behind my work, a lot. But that's not the entire reason. The other factor is how amazingly boring preparing for the SYF is going to be. Should I attend this year's SYF, it'll be my third time. Twice is enough, really. The same damn songs for the next 1 1/2 months? No thank you. I'll pass.
I'm exaggerating? Picture this then. For 4 days a week, about 4 hours each time, you are going to practice 2 songs. TWO songs. That's 4 x 4 = 16 hours. Assuming an equal amount of time is spent on each song (I'm being generous here..), it's 8 hours spent playing that same song. That tune is going to drive you nuts. How about you try solve the same problem sum for 8 hours over and over?
Sometimes, it's not even you playing for that 8 hours, but rather you waiting for others to complete their stipulated time. Damn, that sucks big time.
Anyway, today, my mum came in and screamed her head off immediately after doing her marketing.
No "Hi Ian."
She just shot off her mouth about not knowing what to tell my dad since he always sees me on the PC. Well, to that, all I can say is this. When I'm playing, he's around. When I get about lugging my ass towards my books, he's out working. Bad mojo.
So I lock myself up in my room and set about completing about 3/4 of my A maths. Out of that 3/4, more than half of it are either half done, wrong, or blank.
Hey, I tried. Sometimes things just don't go your way.
Fuck you maths.
Okay, so on Friday, I didn't go to school. See, I head a headache and was thus deemed unwell by yours truly =D.
That meant I skipped the performance (YES!), school (WEWT!) and got to sleep in. (Now this is the main thing.)
I collected significantly less $$ this year, which is sad, really. CNY is good for two and only two things. One, holiday. Two, money. (for us unmarried people.) Some complain that their red packets get taken away anyway, but I get to keep mine. It's not a lot, but it'll help soothe my pocket from it's serious heartburn since the last game card.
Take note, I AM NOT CHIONGING WoW! I have completed most of my work at this time of blogging. Gonna finish the rest after I'm done visiting the first and last house of this CNY.
See, I've actually planned to take a week long break from everything and anything. Just get home, lunch, WoW, dinner, study, tv and then sleep. Long list, but it's a slacker's life. It was shaping up to be so damn beautiful. Higher you climb, harder you fall.
I fell with all the grace and subtlety of an elephant.
Chairman really wants me to be present for this week's practices. Our bona fide conductor's finally coming back after a few months of R&R because of some idiot's cello polishing crap which he slipped on to facilitate the breaking of his wrist. I really respect the guy. He's awesome. To be honest, I don't think ANY conductor should, would and can put up with us. We're not THAT good and our attitude really sucks.
2 weeks before a major concert and you still get people skipping practices. Big woop.
Back to the point. See what just happened? So now, the choice is my comfort or the good of the orchestra. No wait, that can be simplified. My comfort, or the conductor. Hang on, that's not right.
My comfort, or what I perceive to be right. There.
Humans are selfish. Deal with it.
Anyway, dilemma. I really, really wanna test out for myself how this "one week of nothing but study and play" is going to work out. CAs are here and I'm gonna royally screw Geography up. It's tomorrow and at this time of blogging, I haven't read anything nor payed an ounce of attention during lesson.
I tell myself a fresh start after the CAs. New chapter means a better time to catch up, right? But am I kidding myself? They say there's no better time than now, but this now is at the eleventh hour and fifty ninth minute.
One last try before I decide to drop the subject? I think I'll indulge one last time.
Bridge is serious business.
Let me tell y'all why. *Takes a deep breath*
Well, there was a half-day today. Whoop-dee-doo. OM was being retarded as usual on stage. Picture him speaking half a sentence before getting interrupted by a generous round of cheers and applause. Went on for a good 5 minutes. Okay, funny but pure retardedness after the first time.
Next, our legs were tortured as we had to sit through some half an hour show about Singapore getting hit by a terrorist attack. Cool. I don't take the MRT. Whatever.
Honestly, why'd anyone want to bomb Singapore? What, to tell the world "LOL LOOK I JUST OWNED A COUNTRY WHICH.. doesn't have much significance in the world anyway.. *cries self to sleep*." Just my point of view. Much like the OM's announcement, retarded.
Slacked about in PE (shot baskets and that's about it) then went over to Roxy basement to eat. Hopped to Parkway nearby because I had to grab something... then DUN DUN DUN.
Bridge is serious business.
Cards were dealt as we were WALKING. (MC <3) There were requests to PLAY while we were walking.
I'll tell you what takes the cake though.
The four of them (yew nu whu yew r) went into Yoshinoya, bought just ONE drink and fucking PLAYED BRIDGE! WOW! Okay, pardon me, but since when did people waltz into fast food restaurants just to play cards?
To top it all off, I never liked playing cards, nor card tricks. To those who still attempt to impress me with your cheap parlour tricks, shove it up your collective asses, kthx. I don't appreciate it. I don't even want to spend brain cells deciphering your "WOW OMG 1337H4X TWEEKS."
So yes, I felt like a fool. Slammed the drink on the table and left. Best thing I've done for the day. That was the main course. Dessert was pretty good too.
After I got home, MC messaged me "i dunnoe what's ur problem." K, whatever. Well frankly, I don't know what's YOUR problem. I'm just annoyed and left. I don't have a problem. I think, the people who need to be asked that question are the ones who go into eating establishments to play poker cards. MY problem. Hur hur hur. Even funnier than Borat. Lawl.
No, I haven't touched my Chem test. Thank you for not making it work on Firefox. (My password's saved in Firefox but not IE.) Now if only I knew how the IT guy looked like...
Yesterday was a full day of rehearsals. Shit. Wake up at 8 am, prepare for CO then jet off to school. Practice till 5pm before heading to Parkway with MC for dinner.
Then I had to wait for half an hour for my parents to get my black shoes for the concert. Came home late. Played a bit, slept. Found out I had a slight fever.
Same drill for today, except we headed to the concert hall for a full-dress rehearsal. Because today's a special day, I'll take the liberty of posting pictures =D!

Woodwind buddies tuning their instruments. (Because the conductor loves picking on us.)

Illegal handphone sweat shop.

Aaaand that's the group of us after dinner at the MRT station. (I'm not photogenic though. T_T)
Rehearsals are easssyyyy. Yes, you're on stage with your fancy shirts, pants and socks. But there's a complete lack of an audience.
See, at the actual performance, things really start to change. People focus and don't screw parts they usually do (except lol John.) but open another can of worms. Ah well. At least they weren't too obvious. I actually felt really warm during the song before the interval. I made a few boo-boos and felt myself flush pretty bad. Hopefully no one noticed.
Not the biggest screw up though. By far, the MCs for tonight took the cake. WOW. I mean, "Transversing the DEATH Road"? FFS. How did Silk become Death? Took them THREE tries to get Mike Chiang's (conductor) name right. Not to mention they got every song's name totally WRONG. Hell the audience were LAUGHING OUT LOUD at them. No, not with, because they chuckled at themselves too. Three cheers for VS's MCs. You can be sure I'll protest against y'all MC-ing for us ever again.
Overall though, not too shabby. I think of it this way: Those who bought the tickets or rather, the vast majority of them, do not know much about music. Those who do have knowledge of the arts would not even attend in the first place.
Almost forgot, it's my dad's birthday today. What a coincidence. He almost fell asleep after the first song. Hmm. Happy Birthday daddy?
Had dinner with ex-school friends after the concert. I must say, it's nice seeing them after such a long time. (No, not because I'm slightly more prominent amongst them. I am not as bad as you think, Abygail.) It was my first time at Lau Par Sat. (or however you spell it.) Chester's girlfriend (I think?) mirrors him in a few ways. Very sociable. If I'm not wrong, she knew absolutely no one in the group, yet she could start conversations comfortably. Of course Chester did introductions before hand, but that's not the point. A good characteristic to have, at any rate.
I'm still slightly feverish, so no school for me tomorrow.