It's been awhile since I've blogged. Lets just say I've been pretty tired and burnt out.
Internet was down for a bit thanks to the earthquake. Managed to scrape through by B.Netting with oRb. All fine and dandy. Then I decided that I had enough of honor farming. I mean, geez, I know I've said this before, but playing a few games with your friends just seems so much more fun. This time I've stopped the farming for good. I'm done. So what if you kill the mob 1 second faster with your ub3r gear? The time you spent getting that gear out weighs that 1 second you save. And those time you burned weren't even fun.
On a more cheery side, today was my baby cousin's, Sharmaine, birthday. Conveniently dated on the 31st. Well, I can't complain. Honestly, I can't see myself at Vivo counting down. It COULD be fun with friends, but the noise, the heat, the people. Major headache. Maybe next year. (My sister was whining that she couldn't go. Ah, the wonders of being older.)
It's been an eventful year. Heck, that's a severe understatement.
It is of my opinion, that 2006 has been one of the most exciting years of my life thus far. The first half was rather uneventful. I was, for a lack of a better term, an idiot.
I look back and can really only shake my head. I've missed out a lot.
Then came the big change. Yes, the Super Teen camp in June. No, I didn't follow up. No, the charge didn't last. No, my performance has not increased three fold.
But. But. My thinking changed drastically. I felt.. different. Better. As if the veil of shadows and corruption have been lifted from my eyes. It felt good. Almost as if I had been reborn, with my thinking set straight.
I'm pretty sure you guys have felt some change. I'll stick with the new me. Except it'll get better next year.
2007 will be a fresh start. I can finally shed my self-destructive lifestyle. Give it a good kick to the behind, toss it into the incinerator and embrace the new year. I'm looking forward to it. O levels? Pagh. Just a stepping stone.
My New year resolutions.
1)I am so going to go back to my primary school days and be one of THE better students. I can and will.
2)I will control my emotions to a greater degree. I've always had a short fuse. If I cannot prevent anger, at least throw on a convincing facade. Not good hurting people around me, worst of all, with words and actions I don't even mean.
3)I will stop abusing my body. Regular exercise and basketball are coming into my life. A healthy, active body, is an active mind. People active in sports tend to produce better results. Why? They don't have screwed up bodies which store all of that.. ugh stuff. Just feels better overall.
4)I have partially overcome my own insecurities, but partially is not enough. I will stand tall, stand proud. I fought against millions of others for this life of mine. Just being me makes a difference. I am myself. No one can ever change that fact.
5)I will treasure what I have. It's not about what you don't have. It's about what you have and how you're going to appreciate it. I will be thankful for my friends, my family - everything. I will realize that I am indeed a very privileged individual.
6)I will help when I can. I realize opportunities in the academic field are rare, but as and when I am able, I will. In any way, if reasonable, I will help those less fortunate. Maybe charity work? Flag days? (I am indeed guilty of skipping them.)
To sum it up, the above list seems like what every person should accomplish. Should it even be in a resolution? I don't know. All I know is, I have yet to attain the above.
My resolve throughout the obstacles that will rear their ugly heads next year will endure. Peace out, and a Happy New Year to all of you.

Okay, I'll keep this short, since there aren't many things to talk about.
First of all, I had a great time watching the movie with Foo, Darren and MC. Sleepover was tiring and painful (ouch my back) but fun nevertheless. My eve in advance.
Second, I QUITTED MY WoW GUILD! YES! I finally did it! Thanks to all who supported my decision. (And the SG WoW players who told me to go ahead. Thanks KopiTiam2 people!)
Screw Season's Greetings. Happy Christmas everyone!
I had to brave hell and high water (my 4th time saying this, it was that bad.) to get to CO. I'm telling y'all, bring a damn umbrella whenever you go out, for you never know when good ole' weather is gonna screw around with you.
So begins my harrowing journey. Walked out of the house and it was drizzling. Well, great. Hey, it was cooling, can't complain.
Then the drizzle turned into a light shower. Fine, I'll quicken my pace. Then my bosom weather buddy decided "Hey, why not go all the way and piss everyone off?"
Bam. Instant down pour.
Okay, no umbrella, I'm no where near home. One way out. I sprinted towards the bus stop. (Oi it's not easy when you don't play any damn sport. Not even once a week.)
Rain is wet.
Gosh. By the time I arrived at my sanctuary, I was thoroughly soaked. Free bath. IT'S A GIFT FROM YE GODS! Plopped my bag down onto the ground, because carrying a wet bag with a soaked back is NOT comfortable. Bad move.
The precise area I left my bag was semi-flooded moments after I set my damn Timberland bag down. YAYYY! My WoW cards got damp. I love you rain!
5 minutes later, it stopped. WHOOPPEEEEE! I get to go to CO late AND not get ANYONE believe my story. Thank you!! The bus ride was hella crappy. I mean, I had to lay back because I was feeling giddy. That meant my back would stay damp before becoming warm AND damp. VS PE shirts react strangely to moisture.. you seem to smell twice as bad.
Here's the killer. Wait for it...
I reached the CO room aaaaaaaaaand my section was dismissed because we had no part in the songs that would be practiced. Cool! <3.
On a less sarcastic and bitter note, anything after that was pretty good.
Gathered Varian, BAGERO and pigeon together and headed to KFC. That new Chicken Supreme meal looks good on the poster. 1 Piece chicken, a burger, a drink and popcorn chicken. Well, it's enlarged! They stuff you get is miniscule. Good one KFC, you almost got me!
Met up with MC then went to DK. Hah. Closing down sale. (I was informed by Darren.) I knew those suckers couldn't make it. After Rid's opened, they were goners. Rid's shop was a "by players for players" type of shop. It was great. Players would congregate, barter trade, sell/buy. He himself offered a pretty good selection on his album.
Rid is in general a cheerful and nice person. Another boon. The DK uncle and aunty on the other hand, in my opinion, are cold, calculative and driven only by profit. Yes, the world is harsh, but at the very least, hide behind a facade to appeal to customers.
Did they? Nawww. When Rid's opened, we patronised him more. DK got sour and tore up MC's redemption cards because "the offer was over". We weren't allowed to choose between boosters, and rumors have it that they removed all packs which contained "hallow" cards (more value).
So we stopped buying from them completely, concluding they'd fold sooner or later. They dug their own grave. They sold bags, then clothes and just about every thing. Sorry, you don't make the cut. It's not the stuff you sell, it's you.
Went to Rid's and bought some WoW boosters. Got nothing of value. lol @ BAGERO and his jinxy touch.
I received some presents, then it hit me rather hard. You don't really have to buy a present. It can be anything. It can have no monetary value, yet be something the receiver would not part with for anything. It's the thought that counts. I knew it all along, it just hit me suddenly. A rude awakening, if I may.
MC's house for dinner. MC style. Frozen food can taste good too! =D
So I'm forcing myself to get back to playing CO music. Not much progress. There's no drive to learn the songs. Before, I wanted to learn songs because I wanted to be part of the music, there with everyone else, creating beautiful things. I'll keep trying. Friends make your journey a lot smoother.
Talked to Melvin for a long time about anything and everything. (Mostly WoW, lol) Got a slight sore throat now. (Yes, I talk a lot. Must learn from lao pa and listen more.)
Dinner at Roxy basement with MC and Yiheng. Very filling. Couldn't finish the noodles. Bought ice-cream at Parkway and walked around. Yiheng was complaining non-stop. -_-'' And I thought I was the one who hated window shopping. Doesn't seem so bad. Depends on company I guess.
No Xmas gifts this year. )': Sowwie guys, I'm poor. Cancel me off your gift list.
Started off lazy enough. Woke up at 12 and plopped ass infront of PC. Couldn't find anything to do, so I went for Co when LJJ phoned.
Turned out to be a waste of time, as usual.
Here's the thing. I now find Chinese Orchestral music to be extremely jarring and offensive. Every now and then "CHHIIIAAAANNNGGGG!" It gives me a nasty shock. Highly annoying.
Chinese music to me, now, is a cohort of screaming retards. Each wanting to be noticed, and to do so, they have to make the most noise. Result?
If I remember correctly, passion is from the Latin word "passio" which means "to suffer".
No longer am I willing to do so for the CO. Just lost it's spark. You can't force me to like something. I'm sorry guys. I'll try to attend the practices if I can find the will to do so. I doubt what any of you say will help. It's just like the atheist-theist relationship. Neither are willing to give in. No matter how much irrefutable proof you show to a theist, he still believes in his Bible and God.
On a even more sour note, I noticed the Christmas Tree was already pruned. It felt like a little punch in the gut, or stab to the heart. I can still remember my family pruning the tree every year, and each year, a different one of us would put the star at the top, with my father holding us up.
I'm running a temperature. Best not stay up late. Sucks.
That's right folks. It's a game. Nope, there were no real actresses used. It's a game. (Though Youtube doesn't do it justice. I have a high-res version.)
Now, forget for a moment, how graphics seem like "nerd" stuff. Forget for a moment how this is a PS3 game, (I am so getting the PS3 just for this. O levels = 6 points.)and think.
Man really has made plenty of achievements. I always thought photo-realism was impossible. It could not be replicated. People cannot be realistically portrayed in a game. In a movie, yes, because scenes are pre-rendered. Meaning, everything will happen as planned, hence more resources for emphasis on graphics.
In a game, however, there is no "script" or dogma to adhere to. Different players will do different things at different times.
I can only imagine how man would advance in the future. Breathtaking.
I'm getting pretty sick of WoW. I can't find the endurance to keep PvPing for my gear. It's sickening. I played a few games of custom maps with Auto and Nigel. They were 5 times more fun. Cue to stop? Probably.
WoW has become a job - again. I swore it would never happen after June. It's happening again. Maybe I'm weak-willed? Perhaps.
A subtle difference though.
I'm actually talking about it.
Is this "noticing" of a difference a desperate way to continuously delude myself that I have indeed changed? I don't know. If it's any help, I'm still trying to organize something. Have this urge to watch a movie and see my friends =\.
School's re-opening and I don't even dread it. To those who aren't happy about me bringing it up.. (Aiyah don't need tell us it's reopening la. We know. Don't remind us.)
Get real.
It's gonna happen. Look at the other side of the coin. You've slacked off your arse long enough. Time to get some work done. I for one can't wait to be forced to work. Maybe it's because my parents have been gone for pretty much 2 months.
Gosh. The stuff above doesn't really seem like it was typed by me, did it?
Heh. On a less ranty note, I read up on Resident Evil today. I was amazed. I missed out on such an awesome line of games.
"Do you play Resident Evil?"
"Erm.. no. I'm too scared."
Yeah. I'm no John Rambo, so sue me. RE 4, however, seems to be a lot more action-themed. Christma.. I'm sorry. I meant, seasonal holiday present? Maybe. Anyway, I know I should wait, but I couldn't resist.

Cinematic it maybe, but it's not much different than in-game. Except either of those 2 aggressors can take on the poor orc warrior. (Btw, that video is actually a dig at Blizzard. Warriors got a decrease in rage generation. As if we weren't the worst Pvp class already.)
An amusing quote by a 60 warrior :"I don't play a mage. My parents told me never to cheat." We go from 100 -> 0 without touching mages.
That's WoW news for Bagero.
On to real life stuff.
Damnnit I was supposed to catch a movie today. Stupid Nigel got lazy and refused to come out of the house. I actually had to tell him to stop couping in front of the PC. Yes. I did that. *GASP* BLASPHEMY!
Sorry MC, you had to get your books alone =\. We'll go another day. But damn my wallet's gonna bitch. I'm not exactly loaded ya know.
What'd I do for the rest of the day? Warcraft with friends. A lot more fun and less frustrating than PvP-ing on my warrior.
Quote Chester "Fuck you WoW-ers."
Yeah. That in a nutshell. Sorry Ian, but the new honor system is too tempting. I get what the REAL no lifers take months to obtain in 3 days. 2 days if I push it. That's right, 3 days. Over 3 months.
Those 3 months aren't "play 6 hours a day" things. It's more like sleep 4 hours a day, have your meals at the PC, leaving the computer only for things like a shower, switching off the running tap, shutting off the oven and removing your burnt food or getting out of your burning house.
I get that in 3 days.
Ah. Enough about WoW.
Went to Parkway with Darren to run some errands. Met MC, Chester and Xiao Gou while over there. Then we rendezvoused with ZP and headed to the hawker center for dinner. Yum. Beef noodles =D.
Apparently, they were going to Chester's place for mahjong. Freaks. I hope their eye bags turn jet black.
As a side note, Cruel Intentions seems like a really cool movie. I admit it's raunchy and all, that's part of why it's interesting. Granted, it's a 1999 movie and I'm slow.(As usual)
From what I gather, it's about two rich teenage step-siblings who use sex to deflower debutantes. Nasty. I'll save you guys from more, lest you think I'm some sick bastard.
I wanted to be rid of my ulcer on my lower left gum. It did go away. Now I have a huge one at my right cheek. Wow. Plus there's a small portion of the skin on my tongue peeling away. Ow.
So I woke up late today.. at around 12 maybe. The movies at MC's place were great. 40 year old virgin was hella funny. Home Alone 4 was no slouch either. I thought the step-mother was pretty good looking. Dr Doolittle 2 was.. weird. Nostalgic I guess. I remember it being one of the few movies I watched with my father that he was actually laughing/enthusiastic about. Ah well.
Listening to some Vanessa Carlton. I'm late, I know. But hey, A Thousand Miles and White Houses are pretty good.
No dinner tonight. My mouth hurts like hell.
Fine, I thought. Might as well give it a try. I stopped myself from overspending when I played Magic. I was mostly skeptical.. I mean, it's WoW. In my experience, anything which ports over to multiple platforms or products ends up horrible crapped up.
I expected it to be a money sink, hardly any depth, just playing on "this stuff's cool" marketing strategy.
I couldn't be more wrong.
It has mechanics VERY similar to Magic, allowing me to pick up the game rather quickly. That's a boon, because Magic trumps most other TCGs in my opinion. Look at Yu-Gi-Oh. Lmao. Almost all YGH players I know have ran off the Magic. I didn't even persuade them.
Now, similar, but NOT identical. For starters, there are "hero" cards. You build your deck around them. Pick a hero, which has a side (Alliance or Horde.) Cards are character and faction specific.
So if you have lets say, a mage "Litori Frostburn". She's an Alliance Human Frost Mage. Meaning you cannot play Orc allies, Warrior abilities like "Rend". Nor can she swing big two-handed swords. (Yes, you can equip stuff to augment your hero.) But, she can fire Frostbolts and Fireblasts. Fire spells? Yes. Only if they do not specify "Requires Fire Mage".
Plenty of potential. I can see myself dropping Magic to play the WoW TCG. Blizzard I hate you. Warcraft is taking over the world.
On a less geeky note, the sleepover was fun. We ended up playing the World of Warcraft Board Game (OMG WARCRAFT AGAIN.) till 6am. 1am - 6am. Wow. Now, 1 of that hour was spent ordering and scoffing down McDonald's while learning the damn game.
It's complicated, but simple once you've understood. Darren and I were Alliance, him being a Druid and me a Warlock. MC and Brian were Horde, Priest and Hunter respectively.
One word: FUN. Yes. It's long, complicated and messy, but hella fun once you get the hang of it. Doubly so if you have Brian. Lemme tell y'all why.
Okay. So we spent a crapload of time learning the game. Brian was first to encounter a monster. He needed to roll above 6 (out of a possible 8) to damage the creature.
He rolled 4 dices (His abilities and spells let him.) 4 - 2 - 1 - 3.
He died.
The whole bloody house echoed with our lunacy. We literally choked to death with laughter. How unlucky can someone get? Jesus. He DIED. On the FIRST BATTLE. WITHOUT EVEN HITTING THE ENEMY. LMFAO. It was the our maiden battle after reading the rules and setting but the large board and dozens of figures, info sheets and all that jazz.
Anyway, we somehow managed to finish the game. I highly recommend anyone who has any interest to play it with us. It's worth the time to pick it up. (Significantly faster since we can explain it now.)
Special note to Bagero: You can finally do something WoW-related. I look forward to you playing the WoW TCG with us. Bring Yi Heng along with us.
Why? For a damn unscheduled, random shot at BWL. Heck, we couldn't even get the first boss down. Bloody waste of my time. (And money. We wiped. Plate armor ain't cheap to maintain. Damn cloth wearers.) And now my guild knows I sleep like a pig )x.
Then my sis had her friends over to do some studying.. for her St John's thing I think. At any rate, they were noisy. No, I didn't mind at all, because I'm pretty damn sure my buddies and I are equal if not worse. Kinda reminded me how I miss them. ):
Raid tomorrow. Here's hoping I can get up. Meeting MC at my place to set off for MPH. MC + Books? That equation doesn't quite make sense in my opinion. We'll see :D.