Blogger was down for quite awhile, which is why I didn't post. Actually, it's because I CBF. C'mon, everyone's in the holiday mood. Who wants to do anything? I'm too lazy to even go out for a movie. Damnnit, must be the only one to have not watched Deathnote and The Prestige.
Anywai, looks like I have to wait another week for my phone. Parents not in Singapore = no phone. Bleh. Oh well. Can't have your cake and eat it.
Went to CO today, albeit early by -1 1/2 hours. Hey, least I came. What I did there was: Play Bridge, fiddle with Yi Heng's laptop, collect the Fate/Stay Night OST. My role: Fill up the CO room so it doesn't look TOO empty.
CO people don't like it? Too bad. You didn't bother to keep me while I still attended. Took me for granted. Didn't reward the members who came regularly. Cool. I quit. You can have your CCA points back, thank you. I'll get my 6 points at the Os. Oh yea, and Mikey can kiss my arse. Not even appearing = No bitchin' from you.
Yi Heng's took up basketball! I have a companion at last!
I think I'm the only one who hasn't watched Deathnote or The Prestige. Or World Trade Center. Bleh. See where laziness leads you to? Missing all the good flicks. Oh well.
Slow and boring day today. Parents out of town, gotta tutor brother. Big woop. Brother doesn't want to study, what can I do? Just my luck Singtel didn't contact my folks before they went off. +1 more week delay before my phone.
Apparently, there's CO practice tomorrow. Don't even know what time. Bah, guess I'll go for the sake of Yi Heng. He has some goodies to pass to me =D.
I think I'm the only one who hasn't watched Deathnote or The Prestige. Or World Trade Center. Bleh. See where laziness leads you to? Missing all the good flicks. Oh well.
Slow and boring day today. Parents out of town, gotta tutor brother. Big woop. Brother doesn't want to study, what can I do? Just my luck Singtel didn't contact my folks before they went off. +1 more week delay before my phone.
Apparently, there's CO practice tomorrow. Don't even know what time. Bah, guess I'll go for the sake of Yi Heng. He has some goodies to pass to me =D.
I think I'm the only one who hasn't watched Deathnote or The Prestige. Or World Trade Center. Bleh. See where laziness leads you to? Missing all the good flicks. Oh well.
Slow and boring day today. Parents out of town, gotta tutor brother. Big woop. Brother doesn't want to study, what can I do? Just my luck Singtel didn't contact my folks before they went off. +1 more week delay before my phone.
Apparently, there's CO practice tomorrow. Don't even know what time. Bah, guess I'll go for the sake of Yi Heng. He has some goodies to pass to me =D.
I think I'm the only one who hasn't watched Deathnote or The Prestige. Or World Trade Center. Bleh. See where laziness leads you to? Missing all the good flicks. Oh well.
Slow and boring day today. Parents out of town, gotta tutor brother. Big woop. Brother doesn't want to study, what can I do? Just my luck Singtel didn't contact my folks before they went off. +1 more week delay before my phone.
Apparently, there's CO practice tomorrow. Don't even know what time. Bah, guess I'll go for the sake of Yi Heng. He has some goodies to pass to me =D.
Last day of school today. Ended with a high alright. Sang the school song, did a cheer before we were dismissed. Right. Apparently, 70 people would have their report books kept by the Principal. It would be collected on Monday. Parents to accompany student. Applies to people with an L1R5 of above 30.
JESUS. I MADE IT. L1R5 27. Woo. I get promoted AND get my report book. Elated. Ecstatic. Hyper.
Lunched with MC and Pigeon as a form of celebration. Realised MC hasn't watched LotR. Well, he did catch the first one. He should be ashamed.
Trialing a new oRb member now. Crazy officers playing around with him.
Ngee Ann City. Ahh. Not as crowided as Vivo City, but I swear, Singaporeans have this bumping fetish. I walk 10 steps. Bump. "Sorry.." Then the person just struts off. This one time I almost walked into a 2 year old child. Scared me half to death.
So anyway, went to Orange Julius for.. orange juice and hot dogs. I turn around and I see this young lady RIGHT NEXT to me. What the hell. I got a shock. I mean, fancy turning around and the first thing you see is a face. O_O.. So I backed off before procceding to trod on another woman's foot. Bull in a china shop. Or is it their bumping fetish. Bleh. I hate shopping centres.
Had an interesting "debate" of sorts with Joel. Went along the lines of ahh.. WoW isn't as popular as Maple. Um right. Because teenagers represent the ENTIRE GAMING COMMUNITY AMIRITE? Of course, even so, more people play Maple than WoW. Fine. Jarrett pointed out that Maple is FREE. Also, upon seeing the sickeningly cute graphics, parents just go "Awww... how precious."
Another thing is how Singaporeans are ridiculously conservative. (Except when it comes to mini skirts. You see them everywhere.) Yes you can pay for everything and anything, except games. Dad buys his cars, country club memberships and soccer shit. Mum buys her Tiffany & Co, handbags and clothes.(Mummy told me to stay away from any girl who says "Ian.. I want a Tiffany) Junior wants to buy a PC game. "NO!" Lol.
Okay, that was exaggerating. But using a credit card to pay for monthly fees is unheard of in Singapore. Give it time. In fact, you don't even need a credit card. You get the idea. Singaporeans are ridiculous cheapfuks.
Joel thinks he's "smart" because he doesn't pay for his entertainment. O_o.. okay.. all I can say is you're just another Singaporean. Go join the mindless zombie hoard. To anyone who knows him, look at his MSN nicks. "MY FIRST ALBATROSS!" Great. No one cares. "PANGYA!" You actually openly admit you play Pangya? "GO TO MY BLOG AND CHECK OUT THE PANGYA REVOLUTIONS TRAILER!!!111oneone" Huh? I'd rather watch the Eragon trailer, thanks. "PANGYA RULZZZZZZ" Cool, now turn around slowly, and walk back into the Institute of Mental Health where you belong. Kids, stay AWAY from Joel and Pangya. You parents will be very disappointed if you become like him.
I criticized Joel for being a hopeless fanb0i. That is, someone who is unable to accept any form of criticism towards whatever he/she is fanatically zealous about. We are, of course, not alike at all. No, not that he's theist and I'm atheist. I admit and accept WoW's shortcomings. Go ahead, uncover them. I'll affirm it right in yo face.
Also, Joel thinks he's "smart" because he doesn't pay for his entertainment. O_o.. okay.. all I can say is you're just another Singaporean. Go join the mindless zombie hoard. To anyone who knows him, look at his MSN nicks. "MY FIRST ALBATROSS!" Great. No one cares. "PANGYA!" You actually openly admit you play Pangya? "GO TO MY BLOG AND CHECK OUT THE PANGYA REVOLUTIONS TRAILER!!!111oneone" Huh? I think looking for a corner in a room room would be a better use of my time.
Oh, and I'm willing to bet Blizzard earns shitloads more than Wizard (Wizet?) Ntvtreesoft (however you spell it) and that Maple distributor.. umm yea Asiasoft combined and x10. 6 million players times US $15 A MONTH. Sick? Yea. That's the going rate for WoW.
GG. You lose.
Anyway, headed to 3E. Turns out Ashpenn had brought his Xbox. Played some DoA 3. I had lots of fun =P. Pity it wasn't winner in loser out. I'd have become best friends with his controller otherwise, heh. Then they got bored and played some racing game.. PGR 2 I think. Bleh. Not my kind of game.
And so comes the reason I actually bothered to show up at school. CCA verification. By some act of god, I passed my '06 attendance and had 19 points. Yes, it's not a lot. Still, for someone who skips CCAs a lot, it's significant enough.
Then later we had some CIP thing. This group of people who had problems speaking basic English came over and told us to fold paper cranes. For every crane we fold, the needy get a bowl of rice. I went "WTF? Can't they earn their own rice? Lazy good-for-nothings."
Unfortunately, I had to eat my words. It was pretty fun learning how to fold the cranes. Plus the end result was rather aesthetically pleasing. Heh, in fact, I folded quite a few, and one while walking even after the whole thing was over. Those words are pretty filling.
Hopped over to an empty class room to play more Xbox. Eh, so much more fun with your friends around. Ms Lorraine Tham suddenly came in. Coincidence. Apparently she's supposed to teach the PRCs English. Seems she didn't really like that job. I only have one thing to say. She is H-A-W-T. Anyone who denies it is gay. Oh, and she didn't seem bitchy either. I said "Bye Ma'am. And thanks for driving us out of the classroom." She waved back and replied rather flippantly "Bye. No problem. Anytime." LOL.
I learned how to fold paper cranes! Woo.
You must walk in 0.5 cm footsteps.
You must attempt to compress yourself to even stay mobile. And you have to keep moving.
And the noise. I'm telling you I almost went mad inside there. It's like, there are a lot of people infront of you, talking at the same time. Yet you cannot understand a thing. It's just.. a lot of people talking. You want to hear, they want you to hear but you just can't. Felt like shrinking away in a corner and shutting myself out.
Went into Bossini. Saw a short sleeve/long sleeve set of shirts that I liked. But DAMN my sister's a lot faster than me. She bought it first T_T. Siblings having the same clothes = No no. Oh well, least I got my chocolate.
Parents going overseas for 8 days on the 27th. I get the glamorous task of prepping my brother for his EoYs. Whoopee.
Who cares anyway. Still skipped CIP. Raiding > Dingy begging for money thing. Besides, how much of it actually goes to them?
Not an enojoyable day, today. First off, I found out my PSP was fried. Okay, only it's batteries. So I have to play near a powerpoint. It's a Playstation PORTABLE. PORTABLE. Woe is me. Heh, least it'll come into handy when we wipe and I'm waiting for a rezz.
Another annoying thing is my sister's friends. Apparently, they have a "squad outing." WTF? Outing at our house. GTFO my place please. Geez, the place was like a market filled with cheap housewives buying smut going for one cent each. Yea, noisy. Oh well. Grin and bear with it.
Here's a funny story I read from Reader's Digest the other day..
Once, I went to a library to get some stuff. I asked the librarian if they carried the things I wanted. She replied "I'm sorry, but the book on speed reading is currently overdue and the video on 'Organizing Your Things' has been misplaced." LOL.
English scared the hell outta everyone. Apparently, only 4 students passed paper 2. Now, a few of my mates said it would be me, seeing as I'm the "English Pro". Eh, for the lasttime, I AM NOT. Geez, was a damn fluke April was nice and printed my essay. And that she was nice enough to award me 36/40 for my oral. Gotta thank her for that. Props to you ma'am, if you ever come across this.
Right, as I was saying. I can write ONLY NARRATIVES.
Mmhmm. I did the argumentative. Like the other 29 buddies in the class, I failed paper 2. Fine, but paper 1 pulled me up. Hence, I scraped a measly 63. Now, before you think "Wow that's high. Ian's such an ass." Daryl Ho got an A2, along with a buncha 3A/3D students.
Still, I like to think that marks do not determine your mastery over the English Language.
Now for the list.
English - 63
Chem - OH MY GOD 60. (WWL suaned me. "Ian, you got pass or not?"
Physics - 39 O_O.
Geography - 50. I got a feeling Bala let me pass this one. I'll study harder next year ma'am.
Overall, pretty okay. Eh, I'm not exactly smarty-pants. Some might think I'm a big stupid oaf. Maybe they're right. You reap what you sow. I reaped a 'lil extra. Weather was good, you see.
Anyway, enough about results. Congrats Melvin on finally getting WoW. Kick the addiction before next year though.
As I was walking home, had lotsa phglem in throat. Plus the haze gave coughing fits. Spat some shit out. JUST as it landed, I heard a "Kkrrroaaarrrggkkhhhh, ptoo. Piack." Wow, those poor Indian workers, laboring in the sweltering heat despite the haze. My heart goes out to you guys.
Yep, Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines. One of the best RPGs I ever played. As the title suggests, you play as a Vamp. All quests in, it's about 30 - 40+ hours of gameplay. Maybe more.
Pet peeve of mine are the load timse though. You gotta load just about EVERYWHERE. Open-enviroment concept like WoW would be good. Malkavians > All.
For today, I overslept. Didn't go to school, and half the results were released. GAWD it's horrible, but nothing unexpected.
Bloody F9 for A maths rofl. 10/100. I'm serious.
Passed my E maths for the first time, just barely, but I did. 56/100.
Got one of the higher marks in class for Humanities. 60-ish /100.
Surprise, surprise. B3 for Chinese.
Mmhmm. English doesn't look too good. Not many people passed. I think I'm not one of the lucky ones. Oh well, moderation ftw. They HAVE to moderate it.
Whatever my results, I won't get pissed off. This time I mean it. I know how hard I've worked.
Oh way, exams are over. Woo hoo. About damn time. Going to school when all the others are sleeping doesn't really give you a nice feeling.
So yes, Geography today. Too bad my will was weak, so I didn't manage to cram in anything yesterday night. Still, didn't feel a tinge of nervousness when I went into the class room. Hell, went in more pissed than anything. All the way to school for a 1h 15min MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS paper? Lol.
Mapwork gave me a headache. Couldn't be bothered to think over the rest of the questions. Wha? No B or C the previous 5 questions? Alright.. B or C... which one seems more logical? Yea. Half the paper was like that. Heh. Least I had a good nap.
Haze prevented me from going anywhere else other than home. Plus the moment I hit the toilet, everyone disappeared, so there.
Sister's friends came over. Wen Tian came over. All hell on earth. God my ears still ring. Talk about noise.
Holiday tomorrow. Gawd, I need my beauty sleep. Them eyebags are beggining to show up.
Bloody miracle my nose didn't bleed last night. Happens all the time at around 2.30 - 3am. Now you people know why I can't keep late nights. I risk having non-stop blood flow from my right nostril. Yes, I pinch the bridge of the nose and it still bleeds. I still remembered the time my sink was dyed red. Freaky.
Hmm. I was supposed to learn Mah Jong, but those owls started too late. Bleh. No choice but to sleep.
Anyway, came home after the raid. Napped for a few hours, played a few games. MC seems very very emo and dao today. Maybe it was because the forced him to stay up. (I body slammed him awake :D Because otherwise, I'd have to play.)
Mummy tried teaching me mah jong, but it was too difficult. Need the tiles to actually visualise combinations.
Now, onto Friday's geography paper. Know a barometer? There's this paper thing the stick with a pen stuck to it writes on. I called it "A roll of checkered toilet paper which is written on by the stick thingy with a pen-like object stuck to it." Then there's "The doorframe like this, which makes the instrument look cool." You can infer how well I did.
Oh yes. Tim's paper. You're supposed to begin each question on a fresh sheet of paper. Tim didn't read that. He wrote at the end "Ehhh. Sorry ah. Didn't read front page. Pai seh." to Mrs Bala.
Monday's Geog? Spam A. Definitely get a few right. Man, we're so screwed.
Like I said, my words rang true. Regardless of whether I studied yesterday or not, it's not gonna have any impact for today. To quote many Sec 3s "Teacher dun need mark I fail liao."
Yes, it's that bad. If you happen to be a super smart on, screw off. found it easy? Great, keep it to yourself.
Hey, at least that's the second last paper gone. Theoretically speaking, my exams are over. I really can't give a damn about Geography. Same reason. What I do within these 2 days won't make much of a difference. Guess I'll just read up a little. Scrape a pass so I don't have to drop it. Not that 7 subjects is bad, but I'd like to keep my 8 subject prestige, however badly I'm coping with it.
Next year. I'll get 'em next year. This holidays... let's just say it's catch up time.
Oh well. Must be too late anyway. You can't just study the night before an expect a bloody miracle to happen. So be it.
Followed MC to the usual haunt. Tried to study. Gave up. What I do now won't make a difference. Exams are now officially over. Fuck A maths. Screw Geog.
I had enough.
Only of laughter.
JESUS H CHRIST. Chester you are mad.
Okay. Extremely long post ahead. I swear, this is worth knowing about. (I know I'm atheist. Shh. Just a figure of speech.)
Normal day. Went to Mac's for dinner after a free Physics lesson from Alan. ACS(I) paper was so bloody easy. Makes you go "Yea, just pay money to get in. Don't need any smarts." Curry sauce was running out pretty quickly. We finished 4 in like 8 minutes or something. Then Ches dared us to take 10 curry sauce. This sparked off a series of insane, ridiculously funny dares.
We settled for "Take a french fry from a girl" dare. Unfortunately, there were no not many people in Macs at that time. So, we changed it to the "Wear a cap, jacket and mask (those SARS masks), buy an ice-cream, eat it a table away from someone and cough as loud as you can" dare. Chester happily obliged.
We went ballistic the MOMENT he left the table with his attire. Badges off of course, the whole lot of us. We're from St Pats :D. So he bought the ice-cream. The guy at the counter actually asked him "How are you going to eat the ice-cream?" Promptly dao-ed. Nice touch.
Now, picture this. A guy wearing a bright yellow jacket, white cap and mask carrying FOOD. ICE-CREAM. He got stares, naturally, but not half as much as when he started eating. It was insane. Chester gave his trademark hacking cough. I swear, THE WHOLE RESTAURANT TURNED. People were pointing and speaking in hushed whispers. This carried on for 5 minutes, with Bobby filming everything. Yes, even Bobby the camera man got stared at. It's funny. I mean everyone's studying for the exams and they suddenly all look up in unison.
But wait. It's CHESTER LUM we're talking about. Not some run of the mill funny guy. He's a moral failure, man with degenerative principles, social reject type of guy. No, it's not enough.
A bunch of Indian primary schoolers sat down with a large packet of fries and chatted happily. Chester went over, ICE-CREAM IN HAND, MASK WORN and asked "Want to see magic trick?" The little kids were stunned. One boy said "Okay." Chester reached out for a fry, stretched his mask and popped it in. "There, disappear. No more." He left the bewildered kids. Oh, it got shocked reactions from around the area. The mother of the kid was starting and shaking her head in disbelief. Disgraceful? Nah. HELLA FUNNY.
I'm telling you, our table nearly exploded with laughter. Everyone's faces turned scarlet. MC almost had coke dribbling out of his nose. I had phglem stuck in my throat until I had breathing difficulties. Couples, families, Ah Bengs, EVERYONE turned to look. My god. Never laughed that hard in my life. No, it's not funny just reading this. You have to BE THERE. You gotta see it personally and know what's going on.
Congrats Chester, you're $8 richer. Han Cong didn't pay though. CHEAPO :X. You sir, Chester, are my new Jesus.
Oh, that wasn't the only dare. A group of Chester's friends had their own dares. "Switch off the TV" dare. And the never-attempted "Sip a hot girl's drink" dare. Insanity. Madness. LAUGHTER.
I'll tell you guys what. If the guys permit it I'll upload the video in time to come.
Tomorrow will be Bobby's "Take 5 ballons from the McDonalds counter" dare. Good luck buddy.
Yuck. Yellow mucus in nose.
Right. So not much study done. Realized how unprepared I was for chem. It kinda takes you suddenly. "Woah. There's so much I DON'T know? Wait, I thought I knew this... why does the question defy all formula? Oh riiight... there's a twist."
No matter. I will not lose heart. I have my coffee and human determination.
Honestly, who's to say you've lost? Who really decides it's over? It only ends when you give up.
For those who care to listen.. Rant #2.
OK. So it was agreed a few days back I'd study maths at MC's along with Arthur. Awesome. Only there was a minor complication, which turned into a major fuck up. See, we all have Physics tuition. All of us left early because there was a DotA match. Fair enough. Unfortunately, I have Tien Hsia. So it was agreed I'd meet MC at Katong Mall at around 9.25 - 9.30 pm. I reminded him fucking 3 times.
Informed my mum of this arrangement the day it was thought up. Well, what can I say. She's ageing. So she drove over to Katong Mall to pick me up. I reminded her of my plan, and persuaded her to let me go for a round about in the mall. See, if I were to leave outright, I thought the MC would stone there, waiting for me.
I don't have a phone. Sue me. Mum's phone was dead. Yep. I got worried. Call me paranoid, but I've lived all these years with no major issues involving the police. Yes, without a bloody mobile phone.
Called his handphone thrice, got my sis to message him, got friends drop him calls. Uncontactable. Jarrett musta tried a few times, because I shared my worrise with him. Wanna know what fucking happened? The bloody arsehole buggered off to Asteroids. I don't understand how he could forget. Thank fucking god my mum forgot and brought me home. I would have waited like a fool. Maybe I could walk back to Asteroids? Heh, the thing is, I worried for naught. Second bloody time MC didn't stick to the plan. I DON'T HAVE A PHONE DAMNNIT.
Public phone? Yea I hear ya. Tell that to the Indian worker who's pressing a billion digits on his call card and speaking faster than the human ear can register. Nuh-uh. He's not gonna finish anytime soon. (Fine I'm getting a phone. As soon as the W850i hits the shelves of Starhub.)
Oh, and there I was telling my mum MC's really one of the best friends one can ask for in his life. I mean, he pulled me out of my depressed state and got me to study. I still do, despite being sick. For those who know him, you know what I'm saying. Talk about the bloody irony.
I'm just so disappointed.
Panicked the crap outta myself during the break betweek the two papers. Realized I knew nuts about Circular Measure and that tangent thingy.
2 1/2 hours later...
Cue major headache. Wewt. Paper over. Looks like I have a decent chance to pass. Panadol is my life saver. Thank you, whoever invented paracetamol.
As usual, went to Mac's to study. Glad to have Ivan's company this time round. Funny guy. Did some Physics then closed shop. Tired. Tired but satisfied. I have a decent shot at passing E maths. Woo.
English Paper 1 & 2 today. Screwed my paper 1. Shouldn't have wrote the argumentative essay. I wanted to follow Nigel's essay.. but then recalled students don't write narratives in JC anymore. Had shit for points. At least the counter-argument was good.
Paper 2 was a nightmare. I could read a paragraph twice and not know what the hell it was trying to tell me. Flu bug FTL. Ran out of tissue. When you sniff too hard too many times, you started to feel diiiizzyyyy. Managed to slog through SOMEHOW. Woo. Go me. The fact that only half the hall was covered by the fans didn't make me feel better. Victoria School = Super niao School. Why the heck did they install air-conditioners in the hall when they don't use it for us students. Just cause we're not Sec 4? Geez.
Tired. Sick. But E maths tomorrow. Bo pian go Mac's and study with MC. Did a E maths paper then called it a day. Must read SS later. Nevermind.. rest first.
Went to Changi Airport to study. Yes far, but a lot more conducive than the heartland. Couldn't concentrate. Headache plus runny nose was keeping me occupied. Studied with MC and 2 complete strangers. Can't expect me to feel comfortable. Said some stuff I shouldn't have, did some things I shouldn't have, didn't do the thing I should have.
Sickness ftl. Too difficult to concentrate. At least I managed to cover some functions. Bleh. I think I'm sooo screwed.
And no, I wasn't trying to be funny. I was REALLY feeling giddy and tired. You know, light-headed, so I lagged behind. Walking slowly > falling over.
But then, there's SS today, and Thiru has had to go through the answers. Plus, he might give some clues to the paper. Guess what? No show. That's right, he didn't come to class. So much suffering for nothing. More productive staying at home and studying. Less tiring too. I don't know. Personally, I find the act of going TO and AWAY from school highly exhausting.
Met MC at Mac's along with Melvin. Smart bastard skipped school. Had our lunch there then headed to MPCCNLB.
Bloody MacPherson sec people. Laughed and giggled like mentally challenged chaps whenever the glanced at Melvin and me. Eh, why don't you try sitting on the floor while doing work on the sofa when you stand 1.8m+ tall. Not easy. Sat cross-legged and a plethora of other positions. Not comfortable. Nuh-uh. Heh, at least I felt better when I saw 'N' Level Mathematics. ROFL. N LEVEL. LAWL. My failing A maths > Your N level maths. Yep. 2 years older and not half as intelligent. For shame. My heart goes out to not you, but your parents. Poor folks.
Tired. Wondering if the effort put in is worth it... here's hoping tomorrow's a better day.
Friday was boring. Nothing of note. Physics tuition was a bloody waste of time. I came late, fine, but everyone was like playing cards. No work done. Whoopee. Left early for Tien Hsia, at least I did a paper there. Made me feel better.
Now Saturday was kick ass. One shotted everyboss in Molten Core, yes even Ragnaros. YOU'RE OUR BITCH NOW YA'HEAR? Woo. Did it with a craptastic amount of fire resist. Minimum is around 150, I went in with 60. That should show the guild leader a thing or two Here's a picture :D

Too bad Brian was late and didn't get a spot =/. At least there was no warrior loot. Still, had a lot of fun. Legendary day to be remembered.
Today... today's really screwed. Woke up at noon. I don't usually sleep in, I SWEAR. Burned some time in WoW PvP-ing. Supposed to meet MC at 2.30, tardiness got me and was 20 minutes late. HURRAH. He wasn't there. Bought a drink and waited for half an hour. Gave up and went home.
I got home and 10 minutes later MC calls. He was at Kartini's. GODDAMNNIT. I know, I know. I was late but you could have stuck to the plan. No one told me he was gonna leave for Kartini's. Jesus fucking Christ. Don't think I'll get any maths done today then. Chem ftw.
Yep, I need a bloody handphone. The sooner the better. C'MON W850i, you know you want me...