Originally supposed to be 3 - 4 people in the study group. So we went to Roxy and had our lunch there before heading to a salon to get our hair cut. Stupidest thing happened during assembly. Our class got compressed into 1 row instead of the stipulated 2. Then Maran got our whole class to stand up and arrange ourselves into 2 rows. Naturally, the other classes would make way. Mdm Teo asked us "How come only have one row ah?" MC replied "Ma'am, got no space." Maran happened to saunteer pass Mdm Teo at that moment. He froze in his tracks and shouted at Tim (Who was infront of MC.)
"Er, sir. It wasn't me who said that." (ROFL OWNED.)
MC raised his hand "Me, sir. I said that."
He proceeded to shout at MC like some.. well mad dog. OBVIOUSLY there'd be space once he made us stand. The other classes had better make sure of it. I tell you, teachers can be the stupidest things in the world. Not like anyone could sit BEHIND be once I sat. Like some god-ordained procedure, both OMs checked the few students in his vicinity. I needed a hair cut along with a few others.
Yep. So went to get a haircut. Hair stylist told me I couldn't have layered hair T_T. Bloody hair of mine to stubborn. Layered = need to have long hair first. My long hair = sticks out like bristles. Yes, including the sideburn. Beggars can't be choosers. Had to go with sloped. Oh well. Least Zhi Hwa said my hair was pretty cool =P.
Studied at Mac's. Finished another chapter thanks to the help of my study buddys. If I pass my maths, lunch is on me. Severe headache after that.
Wow, did someone give me steroids or something?
To fill up for yesterday's news.. well, we saw Teresa Teng (SP?) at MPNLB. She was studying with a guy, presumably her boyfriend. Didn't know who she was at first, until MC filled me in. Eh, I don't watch much TV not my fault. So anyway, I later chanced across a clip of her singing on youtube. I closed it after the first 3 seconds.
Aaaaaand. I kept forgetting to add this, but Wayne go knocked down by a pizza hut motorcycle. WOAH. Then the next day he's like at school and crap. Only a bruise of sorts at the back of his head. He followed Chester's motto "Want cross just cross. Won't get bang down one." I say "Play with fire? Prepare to get burnt." He did, and flew one or two metres headfirst into a curb. THE GUY DIDN'T FAINT. Bloody miracle. There was a woman pushing her kid in a stroller and she went hysterical. "XIAO DI! XIAOO DII!! NI MEI SHI MAH? XIAO DI?!" The way Wayne imitated her was shit funny.
Anyway, I don't know the exact story. It was some taxi driver's fault. Wayne got up almost immediately upon having his rendezvous with the curb and started swearing. If I didn't know better, I'd have laughed. He seems to be okay now, which is what matters. Mum says he has 6 years to sue though. I say he go for it. She was pretty serious about it, saying how she would tell Wayne's old man, since they were old classmates and stuff.
As for today, Mdm Teo didn't come to school. Presumbaly sick. Poor lady. Hope she gets well soon. The flipside is, we get a 4 period free Wednesday. Not too shabby. Transition metals test thingy today. Don't think I did too well. Still, might get a pass.
MPNLB was filled to the brim today. Or should I say overflowing. People were going in and out in, yet there was never a spot to study. MC, Zhi Hwa and I settled for McDonalds. Hella noisy, but beggars can't be choosers. I did indices and logarithms. Yes, I understood everything, yes I solved crapload of sums and yes I could do most of them, with a plethora of careless mistakes. Ya happy now, Lyn? =P
Running isn't so tiring afterall...
Went MPCC to study. Fucked up maths. What others understand in a snap, I get in eons. I think I' born stupid. Major Encouraging Factor: I failed my Binomial Test. Like I said. Study, fail. Don't study, fail. At LEAST I KNOW I'll fail if I don't study. I study AND fail it's like a slap to the face. "You're stupid. You lose."
Tried my hardest to study for tomorrow's test on Histograms and shit. Headache. Took an eternity to grasp the basics. Yep, it's an easy chapter, I know. Fuck you.
Librarian came in told us that we were noisy, it was affecting the others. Guess what? I told her to get straight to the bloody point next time. Told this to my mum, she said librarian was being diplomatic. I had a low EQ and she (librarian) a high EQ, this was all work life, in that people can backstab you while patting you on the back and calling you a friend. EQ means emotional quotient by the way. I once THOUGHT I wasn't that bad in the EQ department. Outdone by a bloody librarian. I'm good at nothing. Bloody born loser, that I am.
Thought I would get some comfort and understanding from my mum but NOOOOO. Didn't want to offer me support. Just went on and on about how shocked she was that I replied like that. I retorted and raised my voice. (Yes I did that to my mum. Don't like it? _|_) What did she say? "See, I told you a simple thing and you had to raise your voice and get angry. All I said was the librarian was being diplomatic. She doesn't want others to complain about her."
So I suck at EQ AND MATHS. My other subjects aren't awesome either. English is my best subject, and I'm not even the level's elite in that department. So, I ask, WHAT THE FUCK AM I GOOD AT? Answer: Nothing. Yep. Serious.
MC's good at math, picks up fast from games. Jarrett can maximise study time efficiently, and is good at his studies in general. Not to mention he is rather well-liked and plays well in games. Me? I play games, oh yes. Nope, I'm not even good. My studies? Fucking joke, like I said. So maybe I'm born with above-average language skills. But WHY? Geez. I mean, if I'm good at English, I can type letters for people and earn a minimum salary. If one is good at maths, they get to do all sorts of rocket maths science whizz shit and earn big bucks. Why in hell am good in such a bloody useless department? I'm even limited on swear words damnnit. How many times have I repeated bloody. Shows you how pathetic my English is.
Maybe I can sing? No damn way. It'll be a cold day in hell. Act? Right. Paint? For god's sake, I failed art. Next thing I know, I find out I'm bad at English too. Not gonna be surprised. Sports? LOL. Anyone who knows me knows the fucking answer to that. I tried basketball and I might as well be a tree in the middle of the court.
Bottomline: I'm good at nothing. Fucking waste of oxygen. Oh, and I'm too much of a coward to die. Guess bravery is out of the question too. I hate this world.
EDIT: I just realized something after I posted. I'm not well-liked in school either. Most people think I'm a big asshole cum fat arse. GG for those people who talked behind my back. I know, I know. Maybe I made myself that way in the past. Still, hard to correct the bad impression. Good on all of you who think that way.
Slept through Geog as usual. CBF even though Bala was teaching map work. I'm screwed either way. Did nothing productive in chinese. Maths test was a joke. Fine, I'm familiar with the topic and can solve the questions, but time was the limiting factor. Yep, fail again. Next time...
BINOMIAL TEST TOMORROW. Fucker Foo taught me my binomial. Not bad, can understand the basics. I'm gonna pass the test tomorrow!
Doesn't seem like I can finish the race.. but I'll have to at least try.
Physics tuition on Friday lasted a lot longer than usual, so I skipped chinese. Sorry Ethel! =/ Since it was like 9+ after dinner, slept over at MC's. Due to a certain someone who shall remain annonymous, I was kept awake well over 2am.
Saturday was a legendary day. DARREN'S BIRTHDAY! Happy Birthday buddy. He originally planned to seperate the CCHMS guys from us VS guys, but I told him no. VS guys will mingle just fine. Victoria is something more =P. Yup.
So we went to Asteroids and played DotA. VS against CCHMS. Played them like pubbies. Long story short, they got eaten alive. Then one of their players rage-quitted halfway and the requested for a shuffling of players. Bah. Sore losers. Darren's birthday and no face was spared.
Went back to Darren's place for dinner, which consisted of $200 spent on pizza and cake cutting. The pizza seemed like a lot, but the voracious hunger of 15 year old boys proved greater. A dozen chicken pieces were gone before I even realized it had been ordered. Now that's saying something.
Slept over at Darren's. Woke up super late. Then Darren ordered Mac's for breakfast. Found out Bonereaver's Edge dropped of Ragnaros, but couldn't care less. Every moment at Darren's birthday was worth it. Later we each went back home to clean up, then went off again to study. I LEARNED MY CIRCULAR MEASURE! HURRAH. Dar treated us to Sakae Sushi, which the bill promptly ran up to $70. Ouch.
I'll keep going, until I've finished the race.
Anyway, don't wanna talk about the workload. Still manageable for now. At least my parents just want me to try. Even if I don't do well, at least I tried. Boo. Enough of the dreary stuff. Had enough of it today, with Chester and MC.
Yesterday night, someone asked me: What would clouds taste like? Well, what do you guys think? (:
It's just one fall, and everyone's come down to help me up. Can I still finish the race?
Did a practice paper for A maths. Realized just how much I didn't know. What the hell I did for the whole year so far, I got no damn idea. Can't rush 3 terms of work in 2 weeks. And it's not just one subject. It's over.
I've tripped and fell. I don't wanna get back up.
There's one thing I can't understand. See, there's this word... what was it?.. Ah yes. Flexibility. So I was done with my paper, which was, incidentally, pretty damn easy. No need to check really. Brian and I had mostly matching answers anyway.
So I took a book out and started reading. Went okay for 5-ish minutes. Then Zheng Guo Rong saw and told me to keep it. I mean wow. Everyone else was either laying their head on the table, dozing off or already sleeping. I decided to be productive and read a book. Geez.
Shot him a dirty look. He came over after the paper and wanted to reprimand me. "Why did you give me that look." Standard response "I did?"
"It's very disrespectful you know."
"Yea. I know." (But that's the idea, no?)
"It's disrespectful. Why did you do it?" (Note, all in chinese.)
"Err. Not convienient to explain in chinese. How about english?"
"One word. Inflexibility. I was already done with my paper. Others were dozing off. I read a book."
"You didn't have to give me that look."
"Nothing against you. Just don't like that I had to keep my book."
Then somehow he linked it to me disliking chinese, which I spoke to him about before. And that I can quit school because I don't like chinese. CHRIST. I just said I hated chinese, not something dramatic like quitting school.
"Well you join the school, mean you gotta follow the system."
"Hell yea. I am aren't I? I'm in the lesson."
Then he changed the subject. GG. Owned.
MC and HC came over to study. Yes, more play than study, but it's a start. Finished logarithms and straight line graphs. Gonna have to practice more, but it's a start.
Muscles warmed up, momentum building steadily.
Moody whole day. Got worse into the night when I realized haven't done much work. I promised mummy and myself I'd start work on Monday. I hate my lack of self-discipline... for now. Physics class test tomorrow. At least studied a bit. Hurray for Alan.
Chinese teacher caught me talking in class. Ask me about the ke wen today. I responded "Lao shi wo xue le." He replied "Ni talk cock ah ni?"
I wasn't okay. Learned that ke already. Then he went to the next chapter, which I missed cuz I skipped tuition. So obviously I said "Oh, na ge hai mei xue." GG. Stupid Brian was laughing at me. One day Icyhoe, ima ninja your UTB.
Walking briskly, gathering momentum.
Slept in until about 11 am. Haha. Played some games with besties. Jarrett and Shawn pwned us in standard. No fun playing with them, UNLESS YOU'RE ON THEIR TEAM. Haha. I rage quitted when 2 people ganged me and my ally didn't help. >:(
Went out with family as usual. Ate at Sakae Sushi AGAIN. My god. Daddy never finds it boring there (The food, that is.)
Bought the sequel to "Hard Contact", "Triple Zero." Bagero, you gonna hafta wait till I'm done. AND PLEASE BE GENTLE WITH THE BOOK. Ya, and Shadow of the Xel Naga. Call me a geek. I absolutely love game to novel novels. (PUN!)
I exercised today!
Missed the whole raid because of the class. No spot. First time the raid party was filled to the brim with people queuing up to sub for anyone that leaves. At least I got to sub someone at Ragnaros, then we proceeded to do a spectacular 0-5 against Ragnaros. Yay for repair bills.
I'm gonna study later. PROMISE!
01) Single, taken or crushing?
02) Are you happy with your life now?
Neutral. What I'm unhappy with I can change. Just lazy.
03) When you meet the right person, do you fall in love with her fast?
Depends. I mean, a relationship is 2-way. Maybe I'm fast, but she's slow.
04) Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yes? My dad once scolded me pretty bad. Dash of violence to go with it.
05) Do you believe there are some circumstances where cheating love is acceptable?
Not sure what this means.
06) Would you take someone back if she cheats on you?
Hmm. Gotta study the person's character. Maybe one last chance, but that's about it.
07) Have you talk about marriage with another before?
No? Don't even have a GF ffs.
08) Do you want children?
YES. (:
09) How many?
Two. Three at max.
10) Would you consider adoption?
At this point of time, I'm not comfortable with adoption.
12) Do you enjoy getting into relationship?
What's it feel like? Dunno. Can't decide about something I don't have an inkling about.
13) Be honest,what is the furthest you and your ex did?
14) Do you believe in love at first sight?
If only it were true. Love at first sight != Love. Love at first sight = Infatuation.
15) Are you romantic?
Hmmm. Romantic or not, it's for the receiving person to decide. What I think is romantic others may think cheesy/cliche.
16) Do you believe you can change someone?
Yes. Though I'd change myself first. There's a story about change you guys should know.
17) If you could get married somewhere, where would it be?
Somewhere away from the urban area. Maybe grassy hills... just.. away from concrete and people.
18) Do you easily give in when you are fighting?
Heck yes. 'specially if the other party is someone I care deeply for.
19) Do you have feelings for someone right now?
Ya. My mum, dad, siblings.. What? You were expecting something else? If anyone else, why in hell would I write it in here.
21) Have you ever broken a heart?
Never had someone's to begin with. You're excluding family aren't you?
22) If one day your best friend falls in love with the girl you deeply in love with, what would you do?
I seriously don't know. I guess the decision lies with the girl? I mean, if she likes my friend better, I can't force it the other way round. Nothing'll come out of it except lotsa bitterness.
23) Are you missing someone now?
Oh well. Pretty pointless. I'm supposed to send this to 5 people, but I honestly cba doing it.
BUSY day today. I PASSED MY SHOT PUT! YAY. Went home after school with HC and MC. Slacked around at home, then went for a 4 hour tuition marathon. 5.30 - 7.30 physics with the besties. 7.30 - 9.30 Tien Hsia. Boo. Didn't get to eat dinner.
Tired. That's all for today I guess. Ta.
SBS: _|_. Yea. Everyone of you deserve it. Can't your bloody drivers wait 2 fucking seconds? I ran from ~20m away. Last 5m the driver drove away. I swear the driver saw me running. Made eye contact. I hope you crash into something, but everyone's unharmed. Except you. You die.
Actually, no. You should live. Maybe legs crushed by a wrecked dashboard, stomach so badly cut you can see your own entrails. But yes, alive. Then your family has to support you instead of the other way round.
Mua hahaha. I'm that evil.
Anyways, reached home, went to sleep. Wake up 6 pm liao. Omg. No study done. 20 days left. Got the mental preperation to run, I can picture myself sprinting.. all while walking.
Yep. Exams are coming. Last leg of the race. Sprint. But sprinting requries built-up momentum. What if you've been walking all this while?
So tired today. Boring subjects in school, came home with MC and HC. Watched them paly O2Jam. Lame.
Anyway, Ms Raksha showed us a pretty meaningful video clip. It's an MTV by Michael Jackson for the song "Earth Song". Ignore all of his fiascos and just watch it. Awesome vocals and rather thought-provoking.
Yep. So today's was Tim's birthday. 11th of September. Dunno if he's bullshitting, but he was born at around the same time the World Trade Centres went down. Yes, yes. Might be a conspiracy, but lets keep things simple.
Had a super-filling meal at Parkway's Pastamania. Lemme tell you guys something. The cashier over there, ya? Her face is about as black as her shirt. (Which is the solid black pastamania tee.)
Geez. I never saw someone that grumpy in my life. MC said it could be her time of the month. No way. I went there a few months prior to this and it was as black as ever. Talk about bad service. She was looking at us as though it was OUR fault she's in whatever horrid predicament she's in. Lucky there's no service tax in Pastamania. I'm sure as hell not paying for someone to ruin my meal. In fact, Ches had half a mind to tell her "How can you work in the service industry with a face like that."
That aside, NEVER let Chester put parmesan cheese for you. I did. Half the container went into my Cabonara. T_T. The bacon was like salty until it tasted bitter. The cream became THICK WHITE GRAVY WITH BITS STICKING OUT.
Then later headed to Breadtalk, because the cakes there are cheap. Now, when it's your birthday, and your friends decide to buy "Must be the creamy creamy one. Creamy nice." type of cake, run like hell in the opposite direction. Tim didn't, and had mocha flavoured face and hair. TWICE.
Oh, and I slept during Maths again. Must.resist.urge.to.nap.
Life isn't a bed of roses. Neither is a visit to Sakae Sushi. I sat down as was speaking to my dad. Then this manager or something stopped by serve our food. My hand moved and I knocked some squid ball thingy from the tray. Lucky wasn't our order.
Anyway. I was so stunned and everyone was laughing at me =/. Oh well. At least had an awesome dinner.
As a side note, I did half my holidays work. Maths... won't know how to do it anyway. Not like Madam Teo cares.
So I decided to be lazy and slept until 11 am-ish. I blame Cong for that. Made me stay up until 2.30 am to play with him. xD. From there, I learnt one thing. Wei Liang can't play Hero Sieges for nuts.
Anyway. Woke up late and didn't get a raid spot. T_T. I told Darren to call me when there was a spot, as I was alt-tabbing between several stuff. Then, stomach ache. Halfway in toilet, I heard the phone ring. I was only half done O_O. (Yes, I cleaned up.) End up, wasn't even my call.
For Non-WoWers, disregard the following paragraph =P.
Molten Core today was reeeally awesome. Every single boss down in the first attempt and we got to Ragnaros for the first time. Here's a pic.

BUT! We got our asses handed to by Ragnaros. Good first try though. I pity those Americans who stay up until 3am and don't get the last boss down. Haha.
Through out the time I was raiding, noticed my sister wasn't too nice to her friends. She acted like the head honcho and ordered them around. So sad. Her friends also told me "Jae's also like this in the park." Don't think many people will like her in the future. But she's still young la. Hope we can help correct her behaviour :/.
Darren and Brian came over later. Darren was supposed to bring his Xbox 360, but it was "Aiyahhh. Xbox so bulky and heavy." Brian accurately pointed out he was lazy :P. So no choice, had to go back to Darren's place. Lucky my mum ferried us there in her new Lexus. (It's an awesome car btw. Dunno why she doesn't like it.)
From then, nothing interesting. Played some random ping pong game with really retarded player models. Laughed our asses off, talked a lotta shit then we parted.
And crap. I didn't do any maths today. HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK STILL NOT DONE. Nevermind! Tomorrow, I'll do it tomorrow... then there's copy in the morning, do during recess, "Sir/Ma'am I lost the paper." "HUH? Got homework meh?"
T_T. I'm so screwed.